Bringing the word to the People

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Date:Sunday January 18th 2015

Setting:On the way to church

Maliah's Pov.

I woke up and remembered what happened last night (her and Prodigy had a fight about her and her friends).

I still don't understand why he got so Angry but I know that I'm going to church to get all of this off my mind.

I got dressed for church*outfit is in the media box* when Prod woke up.

Me:*putting on my shoes and looks at prod* Good morning.

Prod:Good morning. *looks at you crazy* Where are you going?

Me:Well, it is Sunday so I'm going to church because 1: I feel like it, and 2: I have to bring the sermon today since my dad is sick.

Prod:Well smart one I'm going back to sleep.

Me:* a little Aggregated* Uh No , your gonna get yo Butt up outta that bed and get ready for church or I'm gonna drag you out of the bed and dress you myself Pick one!

Prod: Who said you were my Mama?

Me:*through gritted teeth* Lil boy I ain't gotta be yo Mama to tell you to get yo blonde headed black bahind outta that bed and get dressed or so help me God I will Try my best to beat the Fire outta you Boy, Now GET UP!!!!

He rushed to get out the bed, took a shower, got dressed Then came out the bathroom looking like a black James bond.

Me:*looks him up and down* Good! Now let's go.

He helped me down the stairs and Walked me to the car and we left to go to church.

~~~~~~ In the Church~~~~~

My Mom just finished testimony service when she saw Me.

First lady Talula(mom): And now I introduce my daughter junior pastor Maliah Bradford. Since My husband Dr.James Bradford could not be here this Sunday morning, My daughter has agreed to take his place. Will the Church say Amen as she makes her way to the podium.

The church said "Amen" as I got up to the podium.

Me:Good morning Church.

Church:Good morning.


Church:Good morning!

Me:Alright now. I will be teaching a lesson on "Love & Obedience". We start our lesson in the book of proverbs 4: 11- 13,
And it says: "I have taught you in the way of wisdom;

I have led you in right paths. When you walk , your steps will not be hindered, and when you run, you will not stumble.

Take firm hold of Instruction, do not let go;

Keep her,for she is your life."

Now I am just gonna tell you that When I read that scripture I was thinking " What does my companion mean to me?"

And Now I know what that answer is. It means "The other half of your heart".

Now I have to say that in my recent relationship I have made a lot of divisions that I'm not proud of but it is to late to take them back because it has already been done. Like for instance, I am currently 6 1/2 months pregnant and I am not married.

The church started to whisper amongst themselves.

Me:But let me tell you what happened. Ok, Me and a friend of mine went to a party and it was my first party so I just sat there untill someone gave me some punch, little did I know that some of the People at the party put liquor in My drink and I drank the entire cup and then some, next thing I knew I was having sex with my best guy friend and 3 months after that party I went to the doctor and she told me I was pregnant. The father of the baby and I are now Seeing each other and I am proud to announce that I am having a baby girl.

Prod got up and took the Mic out of my hand.

Me:Craig what are you doing?

Prod: Making it Right.

He got down on one knee and took my hand in his. Everybody got quiet.

Prod: Maliah I have known you all my life and we have been friends since before we were 8 years old, Now 10 years later You are pregnant with MY baby girl and I want to be with you till the end of Time so, Maliah Michelle Talula Bradford, Will you Marry me?

He pulled out a ring box and opened it letting me see the Blue Nile pink sapphire Pave Diamond Double halo engagement ring*picture is in the media box*

Me:*crying* Yes I will Marry you!

He smiled while sliding the ring on my finger, then he gotta up and kissed me.

Mom: Awww my baby is having a baby and she is getting married.

Malachi(her TWIN brother): Congrats Maliah.

Me: Aww thanx Malachi, love you bro.

End of chapter.

Bye loves....

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