Wedding: Ceremony part 2

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Nobody's Pov.

When the ushers opened the doors there stood a beautiful yet still slightly nervous Maliah in her blush pink lazaro wedding ball gown,nude Christian louboutin Victoria stiletto heels,curly hair pulled into an up do with a peach&gold headband,lavender rose bouquet tied with white ribbon,blush pink stilleto acrylic nails, and a smile plastered on her face.

As she walked down the aisle she began to think of all the things that her & Craig went through just to get to this point. A tear slid down her cheek as she got up to the alter, handed her flowers to Nandie and faced Craig.

Pastor:*to everyone* you may be seated. We are gathered here today to witness the beautiful union of Craig Crippen & Maliah Bradford, Marriage is a more than what meets the eye and the every so often words I love you but it is a contract of the heart saying that the people married are together because with out each other they felt incomplete.


Pastor: let us pray.

(Everyone bows their head and closes their eyes to pray)

Pastor: Oh God our God, we thank you for this wonderful day and we thank you for all you have done. God we thank you for bringing This man and this woman together in your holy union. We ask that you bless their marriage that it forever last. Let your grace and mercy last but not least your everlasting love fall upon this couple. Let their marriage prosper, let them forever give you the praise for you are God and they shall worship you and only you.
And we ask this in you name we pray, and the church Said "Amen".


Pastor: Now for the vow to your spouse. Craig you first.

Me: I wrote something for the love of my life Maliah.

May we forever be lovers,
May we forever be friends,
And should we hurt each other,
May we quickly make amends.

May we enjoy our passion,
But never let compassion die,
Thinking in selfless terms as we,
Never emphasizing I.

May we be forever soul-mates,
May our love eternally last,
May the food of love sustain us,
May we never fast.

May we use each other's strengths, when we are feeling weak,
May we both learn to compromise,
And always as one speak.

May we never keep dark secrets,
May we never tell each other lies,
May we both work unceasingly,
To ensure our love never dies.

I love you.

After he said that there was not a dry eye in the chapel.

Maliah: Wow *clears her throat* words can't describe or even compare to how I feel about you.


I loved you ever since we were just little bitty kids playing church in the back yard. You playing the pastor and me playing your fist lady, I never knew that one day we would actually be those people in real life, I had my fare share of boyfriend but none of them made me feel Like the Woman I am today*tears falling and Craig wipes them* you once told me That no matter where I am in the world, what I am doing,when I am doing it, that no matter what I will always be your pretty princess and that one day you were gonna make me your Queen.

I just have one last thing to say:
We will make it through this,Know Why? Because Baby You is strong,you is kind, you is beautiful, You is smart, You is important. And the Number one thing on that list is that you Are loved by the one/ones you love.

I love you .

After that the pastor asked for the rings.

Pastor: *is handed the rings* Rings are circular and continuous. They represent a bond that can never be broken.
Now Craig pick up the first ring and place it on Maliah's finger.

Craig picks up the ring.

Craig: Maliah I promise you, I will protect you and our family with my life and if any thing happens to you it happens to me also, meaning I will never leave your side.*slides the ring onto Maliah's finger*

Pastor: Maliah pic up your promise ring for Craig.

Maliah does as she is told.

Maliah:Craig I promise to take care of you, fulfil your every want, need, and desire. When you hurt I hurt. When your happy I'm happy.I promise to never leave your side.*slides his promise ring on*

Pastor: Now for the Wedding rings and I do's. Craig place the wedding ring on Maliah's finger.

Craig slid the wedding ring on my finger.

Pastor: Do you Craig Thomas Crippen Jr. Take Maliah Michelle Talula Bradford to be your lawfully wedded Wife. To have and to hold for richer or for poorer, forsaking all others, keeping yourself only for her in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?

Craig: I do.

Pastor: And do you, Maliah Michelle Talula Bradford, take this man Craig Thomas Crippen Jr. To be your lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold,for richer or for Poorer, forsaking all others,keeping yourself only for him, in Sickness and in health,as long as you both shall live ?

Maliah: I do.

Pastor: Then by the power vested in me, In the state of California. I now pronounce you Husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

The look in their eyes they took "you may kiss the bride " as a challenge meaning "you may try to suck your bride's face off in 3 minutes"

Maliah& Craig: *still kissing*

Prince/Jacob: Aye man he didn't say "you may swallow your bride" let the girl breath.

Craig and Maliah broke their kiss and turned around facing the aisle holding hands.

Pastor: I present to you Mr&Mrs. Craig Thomas Crippen Jr.

Craig&Maliah jumped the broom and walked down the aisle.


Next chapter will be the reception/ Reception surprise.

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~~~Bye loves~~~

~~~~~~~SydneyDailey315 & Peaceful productions Inc.~~~~~~~

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