Chapter Two

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-Natsu's POV-

Waking up to an angel is one thing many people may wish to see...
Especially if it's their angel...

I wake up with the beautiful angel in my arms fast asleep. I smile unknowingly and started to brush my fingers through her golden hair.

"Mm" Lucy mumbles in her sleep as she nuzzles her head deeper into my chest. I know I only realized my feelings yesterday, but I can't help but want her to be mine. I want to stay like this forever, holding her in my arms.

"Morning" A small voice says as Lucy looks up at me with tired eyes and perfect bed head.

"Mornin' Luce" I say back giving her a real genuine smile. A tint of pink coats her cheeks as she looks away.

"So what was your dream about?" She asks, I freeze and can already feel the tears forming. I shake my head and put my head onto hers squeezing her tighter.

"I don't wanna talk about it" I mutter under my breath.

"Let's go to the guild" Lucy says brushing off her concern.

"I wanna stay like this" I mumble into her hair.

"Nope! Let's go sleepy head" Lucy laughs shaking me, I laugh with her.

"You loooovvveeeee her~" Happy coos from his make shift bed, we stop wide eyed.

"SHUT IT CAT" We yell in unison.

"Let's go!" Happy exclaims flying up to us, grabbing my vest, and pulling me out of the bed. I fall against the floor making a huge 'thump'

"You guys hungry?" Lucy asks as she stands up and stretched.

"Are you?" I ask.

"I gonna eat at the guild" she says.

"I am too" I say quickly.

"Wow, I have never seen Natsu turn down food" Happy giggles.

"Whatever" I grumble sitting back on the bed.

~3rd POV~

The three arrive at the guild and push the doors open. As they opened the door, a table was flying towards them. Natsu's eyes widened as he saw it going towards Lucy. His dream coming back to his head, he ran in front of Lucy and broke the table making sure no debris hit her.

"WHO THE HELL THREW THAT" He yells anger laced in his voice. All heads turned to them shocked by his outburst, it was one they have never seen before. Even Erza had shivers being sent down her spine in fear.

Everyone immediately pointed to Gray who looked pale and scared. Natsu looked back at Lucy to see her looking at him with a concerned face. He looked back at Gray and sighed shaking his head rejecting the fight. Natsu grabbed Lucy's soft hands and lead her towards and empty booth. She slid in first, followed by him himself. Natsu set his hands on the table and stared at them thinking what would have happened if the table hit Lucy.

"Hey Natsu, here is some food! I brought today's special" Mira smiled while setting the platter of food onto the table.

"Thank you" Natsu said as Mira walked away. Natsu oddly enough pushed the platter to Lucy.

"Eat" He demanded.

"Why? I will eat later" She asked, he looked at her with pleading eyes thinking she may die of starvation if she doesn't eat now.

"Please" he muttered.

"Natsu...are you ok?" She asked setting her hand on his shoulder.

"Yes" He sighed still looking at her with pleading eyes.

"If I eat some, will you eat some?" She asks, he nods and Lucy picks up a sausage and eats it.

"Your turn" She says turning to him. He picks up a sausage as well and eats it, he looks at her and they go on taking turns until the platter is empty.

The guild is looking at them confused on one, why Natsu refused to eat unless she ate first, and two, why he wasn't stuffing his face or fighting with Gray.

Gray started to get irritated and marched up to the salmon-haired dragon Slayer.

"Hey Flame-brain, finally realized your getting fat?" Gray tested the waters in Natsu's new mood...By jumping in head first...

"Go away Gray" Natsu said emotionless staring into Gray's cold blue eyes.

You could hear the whispers of how Natsu called Gray well, Gray instead of some insulting name like 'ice princess' or 'stripper'.

"I'm not leaving Dragon Breath" Gray retorted.

"Just go away" Natsu sighed once again not wanting to fight, but wanting to protect Lucy at all times and not leave her side.

"Yo Lucy, why is Fire boy over here so boring" Gray asked the blonde-haired mage.

"He has been acting strange since his nightmare" Lucy answered looking at Natsu who just stared straight ahead.

"Nightmare? What a weakling, getting scared by a small little nightmare" Gray laughed.

"Shut up, you don't know what happened, you don't want to know what happened" Natsu retorted angrily.

"I bet someone took your food away" Gray teased, that was the final straw.

"NO, SHUT UP GRAY, GO AWAY FOR THE LAST TIME! I'M NOT GOING TO FIGHT YOU SO JUST LEAVE" Natsu yelled standing up slamming his fists on the wooden table. The guild went silent and Gray immediately regretted everything he said.

"Natsu?" A small voice spoke up breaking the silence, Natsu turned to look at the blonde goddess who stood up and hugged him tightly.

"What happened in your nightmare?" She asked once again, she could hear his heart race in his chest. His fists clenched turning his knuckles white.

"Nothing" He mumbled hugging her back.

"EEEK NALU!" Mirajane squealed from the bar, the two immediately let go of each other and sat back down with faces full of deep red blush.

"Miiirrrrraaaa~ you ruined the momenttt~" Levy whined returning to her book.

"Sorry, it was just too adorable!" Mira fangirled while everyone else returned to what they are doing.

Erza walked up to the table where Natsu, Lucy, and Gray all sat and slammed a piece of paper onto the table making Natsu jump and snap his head to Lucy making sure she was okay. He turned his attention back to titania and raised an eyebrow.

"We are going on a job tomorrow, no buts" The Red-head glared, they all gulped and nodded quickly.

"What's the job?" Lucy asked grabbing the paper to read it.

"Help, please defeat this group of demons who have been terrorizing our village. The location is in Lilac Village, and the reward is 5 million jewel. Between all of us, everyone should get 1 million Jewel!" Lucy read looking up at the end.

"Sounds good to me" Gray said

"Same to me!" Wendy agreed popping up from behind Erza.

Even though the full team seemed excited, Natsu couldn't seem to shake off his fear for Lucy when this job starts. I mean, Demons? Who wouldn't be afraid for the person they love.

Written: October 16th, 2020.
1134 Words.

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