A forbidden destiny (Neji x [M] reader)

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{Third POV}

The brunette looked at the (L/N) in a downhearted manner , earlier that day , he asked for Neji to meet him at the far end of town after training . Neji , being curious , agreed to it . Oblivious of what (M/N)'s plans were .

" (M/N). . " It took Neji a moment to think of the correct words to say to him " You're a good person , and a good teammate , don't get me wrong. But. ."

As soon as the (E/C) teen heard that , he jumped to a conclusion .

Neji doesn't like him .

Neji despised him , he hated to even meet (M/N)'s gaze . Perhaps , (M/N) was right in this assumption .

" I get it , you don't like males . That's fine , you know Neji , it's getting kinda late . " a (S/C) hand raised to puffy eyes and wiped the burning sensation away .

" I think I should go , goodbye Neji . " Before he could justify what he meant , (M/N) bolted away from the site.

Tired legs pushed on and on , till they couldn't push on any longer . Luckly , he got to the small , quiet house he lived in for all of his life .

Opening the door, a stern looking father , a much worried mother , and a sibling who couldn't very much care.

" (M/N) , sweetie , where were you ‽ " His mother dearest questioned , looking like she'd seen a ghost . Although, it was mostly because (M/N) came home around nine , as where training ended at seven .

" A long story , a very long story . " He uttered out , not bothering to give them the full story . So after a lecture , and a dreded scolding , (M/N) returned to his room , and sunk himself in his beds covers .


Alas , after getting his heart broken , he still felt some romantic interest to the brunette . He just tried to avoid the male who made his heart shatter into a million pieces . Who would want to see the person who broke your heart ? Even if you still had feelings for them , which (M/N) does, you'd want to heal and move on.

But that's the thing, (M/N) can't get better , he can't move on . Or maybe he doesn't want to move on ? Perhaps the (E/C) eyed teen wants to love Neji , even if he'll break his heart once again .

Although he had admitted that , he still isn't ready to face Neji . The mild-mannered teen may never be ready to face him , or for atleast right now .

" (M/N) , would you mind running a few errands for me ? " His mother beckoned from downstairs , not being able to refuse his mother's request , he threw on shoes and ran out the door .

From the road leading to the streets , he ran till he couldn't . Unfortunately , he was way farther than the business was .

(M/N) , minding his own business , could spot a dark haired figure from across the busy street . Allowing his thoughts to race , could it be who he wished it was ? No , it couldn't be . It could be anybody , why would it be him ?

Shaking the thoughts from his head , he kept walking to the shop , passing the dark haired figure in the process.

The (E/C) teen got the produce and was on his merry way , but this peaceful moment would come to an end , for (M/N) got pulled into a conversation , while he was not too far from the store.

" (M/N) . You know it was rather rude of you to cut me off back there . You didn't give me enough time to explain the situation . " Neji started , keeping his eyes on the road , and not on (M/N) .

The (H/C) teen didn't want to speak , he didn't want to relive the night , and certainly not remember the embarrassed along with how emotional he was .

" So , giving me the silent treatment ? How old are you ? Seven ? " For once , since this conversation started, he looked in the (E/C) eyes, that weaped with a hint of sadness.

" Listen , I do like you . More than a comrade . Yes , that sounds different from what I told you a few nights ago . But I couldn't say yes , it's not that simple . We're comrades , teamates , Shinobi . We could die any minute , we couldn't enter a relationship that may end up with one partner dead . And I'm sure our families wouldn't allow it , you may be my destiny , but even so , I can't have you as my romantic partner . " Neji replied , the same sadness in his voice , was the one that leaked through (M/N)'s eyes .

" If we did date , our relationship would be happy and healthy ! We would've lived a happy life , full of love . And so ? That doesn't matter ! We would have eachother , that's enough for our lifetime , right ? " He pleaded , wanting , begging for this . Begging for the lovely involvement he wished to have . But the brunette declined .

" No , (M/N) . As much as I want to say yes , I can't. I told you , it's easier that it's sounds . We'll have to remain as comrades . I'm sorry . " Neji gave a glance at him , and walked away back to his clan's compound .

Walking away , Neji's mind began to wonder . If he had accepted the offer to be in a romantic relationship with him , what would've happened ? Neji 's mind kept pleading for an anwser , but there was none . There were only possibilities .

What possibilities ? Well , some were sweet and heart warming , and the rest ? Well . . . Let's say that Neji thought sour of them .

Neji thought sour of the whole situation , everything he had to say , he wish he didn't have declined . But maybe , this would be for the best , even if they didn't agree .

| Made: January 10, 2020 (Or some Date in December, I really don't remember) |

| Revised: August 28, 2021 |

{979 words, HOLY SHIT IVE BEEN PUTITING THIS OFF FOR SO LONG JSXJSIXJIDDNDU IM SO GLAD ITS OUT NOW- well time to get to work on the next old, cringe oneshot. Wish me luck :) }

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