Virgil's Pov 3

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"Do you think he will wake up?" I heard a very familiar voice say. I couldn't place the voice though. It wasn't Remus' or Deceit's voice. It wasn't Roman's it didn't sound regal at all. It wasn't Logan's because It was full of emotion, but not enough emotion to be Patton. 

"He'll be fine kiddo." Now that was Patton. 

"We can't be so sure morality." For a second fear welled inside of me. Was that deceit? Oh no if he learned I was here I would be in so much trouble. But it didn't sound like the snake at all, it was just Logan.

I could sense the tension in the room. "Come on let's get you some water." Patton said. I could hear the footsteps of Patton leading the other person away.

"He seems to have taken a pretty bad hit to the back of the head." As if it was a ticking time bomb my head throbbed in pain. I jolted up a grabbed my head. I couldn't help the groan that escaped my lips. 

"Guys!" Someone shouted. The vibration from someone running towards me shook the floor. I felt someone pry my hands off of my head and gently push me back into a laying position. My head felt afflicted with a combination of dizziness and throbbing. 

"Calm down, please. Breath. In and out." I didn't realize it but I was hyperventilating. I felt an ice-cold piece of fabric touch my forehead. My eyes shot open. A light blue and gray blur was kneeling beside me. I glanced around as my eyes adjusted. I was in a living room. I was on a sofa. According to the light coming in from the window in the kitchen, it was morning. 

"WAIT!" I shot up. Which caused the fatherly figure to fall back in surprise. "WHERES ROMAN?!?" 

"Anxiety, calm down." Anxiety? I gave him a confused look. 

"What did you call me?" I asked. I'm pretty sure I'm paranoia. Like I've always been.

"You are Thomas's anxiety. You are lucky we found you before those other people did." What if he found out I was one of them? What will he think of me? 'They' for that matter? What will De do to me if he figured out why I'm with them? 

Then I remembered. Roman. The poison! I spun around searching for Roman. He wasn't here. 

"Are you okay?" Patton was on his feet now. He looked worried. I would be if there was a random side you don't know in your living room. 

"Patton where's Roman?" I was desperate there's no sneaking in and out of anywhere. 

"He said he'd be in the mind palace." A voice said behind Patton. Logan walked into the room. We turned to him. His nose was in a book. He looked up. "Oh. Anxiety you are awake. If you aren't busy, in which you do not seem to be, I would like to run a few tests." 

"How 'bout no." I snapped back. I was running out of time. I didn't have time for this. 

"Where is Roman" I said in my corrupted voice. I then slapped my hand over my mouth. De told me never to use it. I only used it when I was angry. But I wasn't angry, I was scared. Scared of De and Remus. Scared of what would happen to Thomas if they succeeded. Scared for Roman. Can a side die?

They looked at me with fear in their eyes. A tear rolled down Patton's cheek. I stepped back. I didn't want to hurt them. I started to sink out.

"Wait!" I heard Patton say. I couldn't respond. I was already down.

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