Chapter 5

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~ Music room ~

It's the  time i wish to see nora  singing but  i'm not  seeing  her around  may  be  she  got  some  problems  but  here i can do nothing i 've  to sit  and  stay  calm.

Nora's pov

Surely this boy  colin is  driving me  crazy. After taking my books i went to the  ladies room to  apply  my usual make up and  to  avoid  my  blushing cause of colin.

I was  late like 2 mins. But  Miss Emma was  also  good  she  can't  give  me  detention i'm pretty  sure  of  that. I entered  the  class and  i  was  welcomed by  all  the  eyes in the  music  room.

"morning Miss Ryder,  seems we're late." She  said taking some  papers.

"Morning miss, sorry  it  won't be  again." I said kindly.

I  took a seat  in the middle, behind  me  there  was colin . As our  eyes  meet  he  said  'hi' and  i  replied with a quick 'hi'.

We started the perfomance. They started  singing . Me and  colin  was  the  left  in  the  class who  hasn't performed yet and  Mrs Emma just  called, guess  who  it  is  betwwen  me  and  colin??

She  called colin to perform  and  he  sang popstar  by  dj  khaled and other stars it  was really cool and amazing guys. after it  was  my  turn i went  to  the  piano  and  start  playing  it  as  i  was  singing  underdog       by  alicia keys .

~ lunch time ~

Me and  my  friends we  went  to  our  usual  table  commenting on  how  the perfomance was .  They  were  all  suprised  by  colin's voice they  also  didn't think he  has  that  good voice.

After all  that  we had sports. Mr Harrison told  us  that  we'll be  divided in  some  teams  so  it  can  be  easy  for  him  to  give  us  what  to do.

~ sport time ~

We were all at the play ground. Mr harrison  came  with  some  papers  i  think  it's our  names  list. He  divided us into  2  teams .

Ooh  my  tem is  really  good even though we 're 2 girls .  Me  and  illa  thanks God i'm with my best friend. And  we're with some boys  like colin, nick ( michou's boy friend ), and some friends of colin( benny and dan ).

The  basketball match  started . We  played  but like  at  30'th  minute we were running  as  ewan ( colin's best friend ) accidentally pushed  me  and  by  the  time  my  1 leg was  down . I was in someone's hands . Aaah  who  is  that ?? 

I' m very  luck  in  these  days hhh i'm having saviors every  time  . Ooh  geez  stupid  conscious.

I got  out  of  my stupid  thoughts  and i looked  up  to  see  the  worried colin . Aaah  may  be i'm dreaming hhhh.

I had  a little  shock  in  one  leg  so colin and dan helped me  to the nurse  room. The  nurse  did  things  i  even don't know . She told  me  that  i can't be able to drive off  home. Then she  asked colin  to  help me  go  home.

Eeeww am i dreaming that colin is gonn.....a drive me  home ??  Ohh  geez damn it.

" wh...a.t, mam i can drive  myself." I said  really  serious

" that can't be  so  easy Mrs  rhode that's why colin is  gonna  drive  you home  no more excuses." She siad seriously after that she  told  colin that and  he  nodded yh.

Colin' pov

May be  i'm dreaming .. i've to  take nora at  her  home . I  really  like  this  i can't refuse .

Stupid, this  girl  is  driving  me  crazy  , always i want  to be  with her but  it's impossible and  it 'll never be  possible she  even  can't accept me .

After all that stupid thoughts i  helped nora to  get up  so  i can  drive  her . I'm really  worried about  her i don't why.

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Love you all ❤


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