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Scarlets POV (sry for any mistakes in grammar spelling or any confusion)

Shyanne sat sandwiched in between me and Matteo for another hour after the incident trying to cheer her up.

She currently is sleeping with her head on Matteos lap and legs across mine.

"We have a guest room in our hall I'll bring her up to bed." Matteo suddenly spoke while I smiled at him.

"Make sure to take any sharp objects away." I tell him worried Shy will do something again.

He nodded and carefully picked her up and brought her up the stairs.

I smile and see Leo walk in the door.

He smiles once he sees me and comes over.

"Hi sissy" he says and picks me up and places me on his lap while sitting on the couch.

"Hi" I say snuggling into him. I'm drained emotionally. I wonder how Shy is feeling.

"What happened. Who do I need to kill" Leo asked.

"Nothing tired and I can handle it but thank you and if I need you I'll let you know. And oh we have a new house mate."

"I know Hunter called me. But thank you for telling me princess" I sit up and glare at him.

"Stick with sissy. Though even that's a stretch. Don't call me princess like ever."

"Alright alright." He hold his one hand for me to shake "truce sissy" I roll my eyes and shake his hand with a yes.

I then snuggle into his chest tired.

"You that tired scar" he asked and I whined in response.

"Ok ok" he said quietly knowing I wanted to sleep and scooped me up into his arms.

He walked up the stairs and to my room.

"Little help here" he asked while I continued to attempt sleep.

"Here I'll take her." I hear. I'm quickly switched to another one of my brothers while he opened the door.

I was then layed down on my bed.

"No. Stay Lijah" I said guessing based by the sent of his cologne.

He chuckled and slid into bed next to me.

When I wake up I don't see Lijah next to me. I stretch and go to get up when I hear a knock on the door.

I open the door to see Shyanne

"Scarlet" she said quietly

"Want to come in" I ask politely

She nods and walks into my room.

"Are you ok" I ask cautiously

"No" she sighs " I-I've just don't know how to show you how sorry I am. I didn't to upset you. I just. My mom told both my sister and I that if we weren't perfect nobody will want us. They'll toss her aside like daddy did to her. My sister used to be super sweet and would be there when I needed her but that all stoped when she turned thirteen and me eleven. Then my mom tried with me and it just didn't work. I hate the person I was turning into. That's when I started cutting. Once again I'm so sorry." She sniffed.

I walk over to her and hug her

"You don't have to apologize you are perfect the way you are but you are not perfect by shallow people's standards. You are beautiful and strong and kind. Never let their words get to you because they're just jealous or bored. And remember we're all a little broken. Now come on it's almost dinner time"

She smiled at me and held my hand as we walked out of my room and down the stairs.

I see the chairs at the table and the another one at the end of the table that was empty for the week that I've been here. But it now has a seat there.

"Hi Lijah"

"Hey what's up"

"Why is there a chair at the end of the table."

"That's my new seat so Shyanne can sit next to you while Matteo is now across from you and so on."

"Thank you" both Shyanne and I sat at the same time. We then look at each other and burst out laughing.

Elijah shakes his head smiling and walks away.

I sit in Matteos old spot while Shy took mine.

"Hi little devil" Matteo says and I glare.

"Hi Shy" Matteo says and she turned a shade of red.

I eye the two of them suspiciously.

Dinner went smoothly with questions asked about my first day and how it was and they asked Shy how she was feeling.

Elijah also reminded Shyanne he had to check her stitches tomorrow morning for any inflammation or signs of infection.

Even if today was an emotionally draining day I feel better knowing Shyanne is away from that toxic environment.

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