And so it begins...

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Reyna was waiting for me back at the second praetor house. She stood as I walked up.

"Are you alright?" She asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know yet." I said. She bit her lip anxiously.

"Do you remember her?" She asked. I closed my eyes and shook my head.


"Do you want to?" She'd know I was lying, so I told her the truth.

"Yes," Reyna's poker face was a lot better than Annabeth's, "I wish I remembered a lot of people, a lot of things," I tried to explain. Reyna held up her hand.

"I understand, Percy." She said, "Jason showed up here with a girlfriend. Truth be told, I understand how Annabeth is feeling. Although, Jason and I weren't really... well we weren't... we weren't together like you and Annabeth were. She must be feeling a lot more pain." I flinched as I shrugged off my praetor cape. 

"Do you still feel that way about Jason?" I asked and threw it down on a chair. She sighed.

"I don't know yet," She repeated me. I smirked, "Percy what is that in your pocket?" She asked and pointed to my jeans. I looked down and realized I still had the gorgons blood with me.

"Gorgons blood." I shrugged and set it down on the nightstand. 

"Poison or healing?" She asked. My eyes widened as I realized what she was getting at.

"Reyna I can't do that to you." I said. She sighed and stood in front of me, holding the vial.

"Well..." She was interrupted by a loud scream outside. Riptide was out of my pocket before she was out the door. 

Things were crazy out there. Hundreds of Roman demigods were rushing around running rampant. 

Jason and his girlfriend, Piper, were in the middle of a bunch of murderous looking Romans. Piper was trying to reason, but it wasn't working very well. 

All of a sudden a blast hit the Senate House and it exploded. 


She stood with Frank and Hazel in a fountain, trying to fight her way out without a weapon. Without hesitation I overflowed the fountain and washed away her attackers. She looked up in shock, and grinned at me. Those eyes... how in Hades could I forget them? 

Reyna grabbed my arm and dragged me towards them, "We don't have much time," She said, "Something's wrong, but I have a feeling that these Greeks are as clueless as us," She spoke like I was a Roman, like her. 

"Reyna I don't know what..."

"Of course you don't," She grumbled, then turned to face me. She shoved something into my hands, "Percy, I think we both know what has to happen now." She said quickly, "You're leaving, I'm not."

"But Reyna..."

"No buts, go. While you're gone, you have to choose: Greek or Roman. When you have, you'll know what to do with this." She pointed to my hand. We had reached the fountain where Annabeth was helping Hazel out. Reyna leaned forward and kissed my cheek, "Good luck, praetor." She said and ran away before I could say goodbye. 

"Come on, Lover Boy," Annabeth growled at me, and grabbed my arm to tow me to their ship. 

Octavian stood on the bottom rung of their rope ladder, shouting about betrayal and blah blah blah.

"I saw it with my own eyes!" He yelled. I pulled him off the ladder and started climbing, Annabeth in front of me, Jason and Piper behind me. Frank turned into an eagle and flew up while Hazel called Arion.

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