The Return

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-Because Percy never drank the blood, he never began to regain his memory. When they reached the plane, they gave Ella directions to Camp Jupiter so she could fly there. After the battle on the glacier they take a shortcut on the way home so that Arion has just enough steam left to get them there-

We charged into the very midst of the battle with the armor dragging along in our chariot. Frank flew high above us as a bald eagle, blinding the enemy. 

"Fifth cohort!" I shouted and slammed into a cyclops. Hazel zipped about on Arion, disintegrating monsters left and right. 

Within minutes every monster within a fifty yard radius of us was dust. Frank re-formed.

"Fifth Cohort!" He shouted, "Get your Imperial gold weapons right here!" Before long, the entire cohort resembled Apollo's chariot.

"Follow the eagle to battle!" Frank shouted.

We rammed straight into the battle of the Third Cohort, who rejoiced when they saw the returned eagle. 

Cyclops and centaurs down. I should feel amazing, but this felt... wrong. 

But I only shook my head and joined with my cohort and Third to attack the Earthborn.

Reyna flew above us all, taking out as many as she could, her purple cloak flying high in the wind, her golden armor looking as radiant as she did. 

When she noticed us march in, she was so shocked the giant nearly knocked her into a death spiral, but at the last second Skippy dodged. She locked gazes with me, and grinned, making my insides begin to feel like Jell-O. 

"Romans!" She cried, "Rally to the eagle!"

Every set of eyes turned to me, and I felt a familiar rush of power run through the staff. I raised it high to the sky, "Twelfth Legion Fulminata!"

Thunder shook the ground as the eagle let out a blinding flash and tendrils of light flew from it's wings, zapping every monster in the valley. 

When the smoke cleared, there was nothing but ash amongst us. 

*Skip to Arrival of Amazons*

"Queen Hylla!" Hazel cried, "She survived!" 

Hylla shouted, "To my sister's aid! Destroy!" Her troops whooped and hollered and followed the command. Reyna turned her eyes towards me, and her expression was clear. I could hug you right now! Something that made my face heat right up to my forehead.

"Romans! Advance!" She called. 

*Skip to end of battle*

They started to chant "Percy! Percy!" and before I knew it they were lifting me up on a shield. The yells changed from, "Percy!" to, "Praetor! Praetor!" 

It was Reyna who chanted the loudest. As they lowered me down off the shield back to the ground, it was she who came forward. The crowd cheered louder and louder as she threw her arms around my neck and planted a kiss directly onto my lips.

*Skip to Feast*

Reyna made a short speech. She welcomed the Amazons and thanked them for their assistance, hugging her sister in the process.

"My sister and I haven't always seen eye to eye-"

"Isn't that an understatement!" Hylla laughed.

"She joined the Amazons," Reyna continued, "I joined Camp Jupiter. But looking around this room, I think we both made good choices. Our destinies were made possible by one hero whom you all raised to praetor- Percy Jackson!" She said and winked at me. They pushed me up to the platform and I tried to tell them that I wasn't the best one for the job, but nobody listened. Reyna took away my probatio plate with a soft smile on her face. 

Octavian was mad, but who really cared?

They burned the Roman symbols into my arm, and somehow I managed not to scream.

Reyna gave me am eagle medal and the purple cloak; symbols of a praetor, "You earned it Percy." She said with a grin and a kiss on the cheek, to which I turned red. 

"And I'm not going to kill you!" Hylla announced, "Reyna'd never forgive me," She said with a wink.

After dinner, Frank and Hazel decided to head back to the cohort, and I figured I'd give them some time alone, so I asked Reyna if she wanted to walk to the city with me. 

We walked quietly along down the streets. Lanterns glowed, music filled the air, everyone was celebrating. I absently took Reyna's hand, but she didn't pull away. 

"So praetor," she began, "Just to be clear, where do we stand, exactly?" I grinned.

"Praetors work pretty closely together, it would be pretty awkward if I told you no, wouldn't it?" I joked. She elbowed my ribs and laughed. It was a nice sound. 

We reached the second praetors house, which was now mine. Reyna leaned forward and kissed me goodnight.

"See you in the morning, we have a lot of work to do." She said, and walked back to her own house. 

Later that morning we were eating breakfast when Ella flew up, holding a scroll.

"Special delivery from aura." She squawked, "Yes, Ella got special delivery."

It looked fairly average, but when I unwrapped it a video flickered to life and a kid in Greek armor grinned at us. He had an impish face, curly black hair, and wild eyes, like he'd just had several cups of coffee. 

Hazel stifled a scream.

"What?" Frank asked, "What is it?"

I slowly began to realize what it was.

"Hey!" He said, "Greetings from your friends at Camp Half-Blood, et cetera. This is Leo. I'm the..." He looked off, "What am I? Like admiral, or captain...?"

"Repair boy!" A girls voice yelled back.

"Funny, Piper," He grumbled, "I'm... ah... supreme commander of the Argo II. Yeah, I like that! Anyway we're gonna be sailing towards you in about an hour in a large golden warship. We'd really appreciate if you didn't, you know, shoot us out of the sky? So yeah! Please tell all the demigods not to kill us! Peace yo."

The parchment went blank.

"What is this Camp Half-Blood?" Reyna asked me. I shrugged, though something seemed familiar...

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