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"I haven't seen you in so longgg when can you come back?"

"Sungchan I left barely an hour ago you act like I've been away for a month"

But you do! In my heart

*blushing* "uh huh Ill be back by 5, now shoo I gotta finish my work"

"Ok...Bye Taro baby"

*more blushing*

See you Channie

Timeskip by Sungchan's barking

Shotaro arrives home at 5 as he said and steps into his and Sungchan's house. It was dark with no one to be seen

"Channie? I'm back"

Before he knew it a hand grabbed him and pulled him into the kitchen.

"What's happening?!"

The lights turned on and sitting on the counter was a small but carefully decorated cake with the words "Welcome home Taro!" The cake had a taro coloured (like yam) frosting on it as well. Shotaro gasped as a smile rippled across his face. He couldn't believe that Sungchan would care about him so much that he actually baked an entire cake for him. 

"Do you like it? I wanted to bake a cake to celebrate your first day of work so I asked Taeyong hyung to come over and help me make it." Sungchan smiles shyly
before staggering back as Shotaro leaps into his arms and snuggles into his embrace.

"Of course I like it! Thank you Channie!"

Sungchan wraps his arms around Shotaro feeling warmth spread through them. They stood there hugging for a while, as Shotaro rested his head in the crook of Sungchan's neck smiling happily. Then he decides he's hungry and  goes to eat the cake.

It is delicious as expected with help from Taeyong and the night is spent with smiles and small talks and of course cake

Im absolutely soft for this ship and this is also my first time writing on wattpad so I hope you guys enjoyed it

Till next time -Shotaro's tiktok

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