What is this feeling?

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Shotaro stared wistfully at Jaemin as he walked out with his boyfriend. Its been 2 months since they broke up.

It wasn't because of a fight or a misunderstanding but both had agreed that the relationship wasnt working out. And after a very long talk they decided to break up but promised to remained friends.

Shotaro still missed Jaemin and the fun times they spent together. Now Jaemin had a new boyfriend which was Jeno. Shotaro sighed and went to his room taking a bag of chips to binge eat.

Shotaro lazed around his room mindlessly scrolling through his phone and eating. He saw a post by Jaemin showing him and Jeno together smiling brightly. He felt a pang in his heart, "why can he move on but I can't".

Suddenly soft knocks sounded on his door. "Come in" it was Sungchan. He walked over to Shotaro.

"What are you doing here?"

"I dont know, just existing?"

Sungchan laughed "wanna go out for a bit?"

Shotaro pondered for a while, "sure"

"Yay! Lets goooo!" Sungchan grabbed Shotaro's arm and dragged him out of the room. "Wait wait wait, I need to wash up" Shotaro panicked slightly worming his way out of Sungchan's grip.

After that they went to a playground in their neighbourhood.

Sungchan grinned as he pushed a shrieking Shotaro on the swings. "Kadjfhsbqma stoppppp" Shotaro screamed as he felt his stomach lung forward.

The swing slowed down and Shotaro got out shakily. His legs buckled and he was ready to fall when he was met with a warm body behind him.

Sungchan had caught him and helped him stand up. Shotaro breathed out heavily and glared at Sungchan "why did you push me so hard? I thought was gonna die!"

"I wouldn't have let you" Sungchan smiled as Shotaro's face softened with his answer. "You're still gonna need to buy me food to make up for this" he pouted and crossed his arms

"Okay!" Sungchan and Shotaro decided to go   to a convenience store nearby. Shotaro grabbed a huge bunch of snacks and Sungchan felt his wallet bleed as he looked as the amount Shotaro was buying.

"Uh..uhm Shotaro?"


"Are you sure you need that many snacks.."

"Yepp" Shotaro popped the p as he took all the snacks to the counter. Sungchan felt his soul leave him as he got ready to pay.

"Just kidding" Shotaro took away half the snacks and came back grinning. Sungchan was immensely relieved and paid immediately.

They walked home Shotaro clutching the snacks with difficulty. Sungchan noticed  and took up the snacks easily.

Upon reaching their dorm they went into Shotaro's room. They decided to watch Frozen 2 because Elsa is cool.

When the main song came up both of them sang together

Sungchan giggled as the song ended, turning around to face Shotaro eyes shining with joy. Shotaro felt a feeling like never before, as he looked at Sungchan he suddenly felt an urge to kiss him and hug him.

He blinked and snapped out of his fantasy turning his attention back to the movie. "What just happened?"

Shochan/Sungtaro oneshots                 [SUNGCHAN X SHOTARO]Where stories live. Discover now