Mimosa pt 2

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In there the nurse removed Shotaro's shirt and both she and Sungchan gasped. Shotaro's back was littered with scars and the newly added injury from the locker. Shotaro said nothing and stared at the floor while the nurse hurriedly treated his wounds.

Just great, yet another person knows about my scars he's probably gonna bully me about it too.

"I'm not gonna do that!" Sungchan burst out. Shotaro was shocked "How do you know what Im thinking?"

"Huh?" Sungchan did not understand Shotaro's words You just answered my thoughts!

"Wait...how did I do that?" Sungchan was also bewildered.

The nurse who was watching their interaction said "You guys can read each other's thoughts that means y'all are probably soulmates."

Their eyes widened "wait he's my soulmate, I have a soulmate? I thought only the red string thing connected soulmates."

Thats my soulmate... WAIT THATS MY SOULMATE!!! Sungchan's thoughts caused Shotaro to put his hands over his ears.

Sungchan gasped and grabbed Shotaro's hand and true enough their Mimosas were identical. The nurse smiled and said "Shotaro I finished treating your wounds hope you get better soon and I'll leave y'all here to talk for a bit."

What happened to you? Sungchan was the first to break the silence

Shotaro looked down and fiddled with his fingers. Im not ready to say anything, we're still strangers you know.

Oh...then lets hangout after school today, we can meet at the gate when school ends.

Shotaro pondered for a bit, his parents were on an overseas trip and he didn't even to run any errands for the bullies today so he agreed.

Yayyy Sungchan hugged the boy out of excitement. Suddenly they both felt a warm glow spreading through them like hot chocolate on a winter day. Shotaro felt his wounds closing up, the pain receding and his mind relaxing.

They stared at each other wide-eyed
Is this an effect of the soulmate bond? I think so. They smiled, somehow using the bond brought them comfort and they loved it.

Just then the bells rang and they went back to class.

After school, they met up and went to a small cafe near their school. Sungchan was quite exhausted with the endless rounds of interrogation by Chenle for his newly found soulmate.

Before he knew he found himself burying his head in Shotaro's shoulder sighing happily when he instantly felt better. Shotaro was a bit surprised but hugged Sungchan back nonetheless for he had heard the many thoughts of Im tired, Why cant he stop asking, and I wish Shotaro was here coming from Sungchan during lessons. He giggled slightly and guided Sungchan into the cafe.

YESSS FOODDD Sungchan was even more energised seeing his favorite thing in the world, second favorite now that Shotaro appeared. Sungchan wasn't sure what he was feeling but with Shotaro he never wanted to let him go. Even though he had barely met the boy he already wanted to hug him, go out with him, help him with homework, eat together, play together basically being with him at every hour of the day.

Shotaro too felt as though he had to stick by Sungchan at all times. In the cafe they both knew what the other was thinking and had disscussed about it. Finally concluding that it was part of finding one's soulmate for the first time.

Sungchan's experience with the Chensung couple was no different, the two had stuck together from day one for about a month. Chenle would whine every minute he was apart from Jisung, and Sungchan had heard that Jisung was extremely withdrawn and moody without Chenle. They were only themselves when together.

Shotaro nodded thoughtfully after hearing Sungchan's story, his bottom lip jutting out as he thought about how he and Sungchan would be like in the weeks to come. Sungchan almost melted at the cuteness Shotaro was radiating as he stared at him.

Shotaro finally noticed the starstruck look Sungchan had and smiled a beautiful eye smile. He too found Sungchan extremely lovely and handsome with a great personality. He was secretly fanboying over his soulmate.

Sungchan and him then exited the cafe holding hands feeling excited for what the future would bring them.

Shochan/Sungtaro oneshots                 [SUNGCHAN X SHOTARO]Where stories live. Discover now