Ch. 1

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In the beginning it said that there was light, there was light of the world until it was darkness...
An image of the earth standing still in the air of mid space as it slowly decays from fire coming around it corners it is engulfed into flames with a ring of fire that closes its light color into darkness slowly.
The title card Aurora.
In the beginning it all begin when the war of the world of the first civilzation was destroy by Aurora. The god from the first civilzation said to protect them, punished them for being non believers.
Picture of stars falling from the sky as they as they land as small orbs are within the meteorite.

It first begin with The orbs where scattered across the earth.
The rest is explained in stone tablets of hieroglyphics on walls of written language in a scribble language.

The world changed when they were collected by the first civilzation. And by Jidenna
Picture on a stone wall that of a black man holding an orb with a beard in front of large amount of people

The man said to control Aurora with the stones used it to defeat the great evil know as Xana.
Picture of a creature with horns. That stand on another wall

The two battled and become of destroying each other one leaving a map to the first civilzation and the other who disappeared into other dimensions. Now three thousand years into the future

Image of a eagle soaring over the sky of the city that looks like Athens and Greece and room with futuristic train going around it and flying machines.

The world is separated into different races the world is ruled under the Arcete nation founded by Paramon and Arcete rule over all through the land.
Views if other world like high mountain of with ancient Chinese temple and ancient Indian temples hover over the view of the bird as well a middle eastern country of city with a large temple and view of a destroyed city.

Man is machine nothing more than just nature. To know your human is to know your worth. And now you who are in world that seeks to create you is the greatest accomplishment, that why I say never let that stop you even though we are at war with other like the Khad.
A large desert area strewn with small mountains with a deep fog hovering over the area.
Location: Arkyen
Narration ends
Solomon a Mage there to watch over the children speaks to them.
SOLOMON and NOBLE SAGE MAN speaks to some slave children gathered around him in a circle.
We pan around a Small fire with boys SULAN(AFRICAN NATION BOYS) sitting around SOLOMON
Boys and girls and notice you all should be more aware there are those who fight for your freedom.
Don't say freedom.
Then what should I say?

Now now there. There should be much hope for your kind boys of Sula if you're able to find hope in a place that is full of a heart of darkness. You should be more grateful to notice there are those who care for you and that you're alive.
Will they ever let us and our parents go?
Not until the war is over. I'm sorry, I'm just here to preach to you.
That won't do any good.
Why do you say that sir if its possible for these children to find a home? Its possible.
Our hero Seneca Eros, a soldier covered in a cloak is standing on a hill  writing and scribbles writting looking down upon some slaves walking with their legs chained together. All of them are line up in sections where they are carrying logs and rumble as small explosions appear from cave holes with dust clouds appearing in the sky from the mine that they work on. Seneca looks at the sun rise as he narrates.
It is the year 3030 and the world is at a part futuristic and a biblical. The world is divided into nations who all fall under The Arcete nation, battling it out with the Khad Regime for power over the anentus stones to find the machine Aurora which can control the world. we are the Peace knight preserve of keeping order and even though we dont make it truly we still do it because we have to. I look at my country though occupying this nation it holds my people in chains.
Looking at all this reminds me that I don't know what pains is.
Boys pulling themselves in chains. As they carry logs the mine cell explodes.
Slaves caring others
A cave explodes as man whips a young boy
Like who am I. Who am I. Just hoping some day ill know. What is my purpose to this world and what reason does it hold to its form.
I look to them and I see that, they only matter. Only this matters all of this matters in some distance.
(Thinking and narrating)
Nothing seems possible for these kids who haven't seen there family. Not in this world. Not in a world that rewards wolves who feed on other ones.
You should go back to work now children.
He walks up to Seneca as the boys leave. Solomon holds his hand out for him to shake.
Solomon, and you are? A Peace Knight from Arcete
I am Seneca... I'm here in the land searching for an object that the Khad are using to make their armies stronger.

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