19 : Every Single Day

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There's only darkness all around him,
He don't even know where he is..

"You've promised me,  Everything will be fine... Youre a man of your words.. So open your eyes P.. Because I'm here... Waiting..."

"Tine... "

Bright can hear Tine's voices,  it seems so far away.. He then saw a light shinning from afar.. He run into the light and when he open his eyes slowly,
It was the sunlight shining so brightly,
He grunts and saw the badge on his chest.
The last thing that he remembered is Mew's faces, and the sound of his twins crying near him.

Bright can feel someone holding his hand,  he tried to take a look on the side of his bed,  he saw Tine was sleeping in tears
While holding tightly on his hand.


"P..you finally wake up.. " Tine hugged him.

"  how long I've been sleeping? "

" It's been a week.. "

" A week?! "

" yes...I'm so glad you're awake.. Wait for a moment.. Let me call the doctor.. "

Tine about to go but Bright held his hand.

" Tine.. "

" Yes? "

" Where's our twins? "

" Don't worry they're fine.. And They'll be here soon.. They're always waiting for you.. "

Tine walked away and Bright take alook at  beautiful view of the city.

" BRIGHT!!!! " Man came with the kids.

" DADDY!!!!! " Kheum and Chu hopped on the bed and hugged him.

" Oww oww.. Slow down guys.. Hi angles.. "

" Daddy.. We missed you.. " - Kheum.

" Thank you for saving me... I'm sorry...it should be me.. "
Chu begin to sobs.

" hey,  chu.. I did it because it's my duty to protect my family... Every dad in this world would do the same as me.. So don't worry na khub.. "

" We love you Daddy.. "

" I love you guys more.."

Man got a lil teary.

"Aii Man,  are you crying? "

" Shit Bright. No I'm not. "

" Man cried more than I did when he knew you were shoot. "

Tine came back with a doctor, and it was Mew.

" P'Mew thankyou for saving me. "

" You're lucky,  the bullet just few inches above your heart. "

" so.. P.. You said once Bright awake,  he can go home right? "

" Yea,  just let me check his physical strength and the stitches on his chest.. If he's okay.. He's good to go home tomorrow. "

" Okay.. P'bright.. Do you want anything?? You must be starving.. "

" anything is fine.. "

" Alright,  I'll be back in 30 minutes. "

Tine had a huge smile on his face,  everyone can tell how happy he is.

" Kheum,  Chu why don't you came with Papa?  Uncle Mew will take care of your Daddy.. "

" but we want to be with Daddy.. "

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