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park sohwal's pov

"yes, si-"

holy fuck! am i dreaming?!

i stared out of the window and saw the features of the girl, it was wheein. the jung wheein, from mamamoo. how can i not notice the kween?!

i stared back at the guy with eyes as huge as a bowling ball.


my phone chimed. he turned his attention to my phone and back to me. we were frozen on our spots.

shit wrong timing.

i pinched myself and smiled like nothing happened, i gotta keep this professional.

i pretended that the real hoshi wasn't in front of me.

the kwon soonyoung, the real tiger. the person who says horanghae and i set his voice as my notification sound.

fudge! fudge! fudge!

i grabbed the stuff he decided to pay for. it was two cups of ramen, a bag of chips, cola, ice cream and a pack of biscuit.

i started scanning his things. "you're a carat?" he asked, his attention went to my hoodie as tapped his fingers on the country.

i looked down and saw the huge ass seventeen logo on my hoodie.

why the heck is this happening?!

"don't worry i won't tell." i smiled sheepishly trying to keep calm while i was internally screaming.

i mean how could you not? your idol is in front of you and he's on a date with wheein from mamamoo. it's not like they're not allowed to, it's just both of my idols!

2 in 1!

"t-thanks," he said awkwardly as i tried not to make my hand shake from nervousness.

"no prob, im your fan after all. there's boundaries," i blabbered.

oh my gosh, sohwal! can you just shut up for once?!

i placed his stuff inside a plastic bag and awkwardly handed it to him.

"thank you, you're a nice fan, horanghae" he said and flashed me a smile, making his cheeks chubby.

he exited the store and walked away with wheein. i continued on staring out of the window until they're out of sight.

"holy hoshit!" i sunk to the floor with my hand placed on my heart. i can feel it beating hard. my breathing rate increased too.

i was still trying to process on what happened just now. am i dreaming?

i pinched myself and slapped myself trying to check if this is a dream.

i just met kwon hoshi! the guy who i only watch from the other side of the screen and fangirl hard if he does hip thrust.

he's the guy in the music who i listen to everyday. i just met my idol.

i ruffled my hair with a smile on my face looking like a crazy lady.

im so lucky!

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