Chapter 22- AN ARGUEMENT

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The next morning, Savana woke up to a text. A quite annoying text that is. She had to admit, this secret admirer dude was creepy, she enjoyed the attention, but she knew it was wrong. She had a boyfriend, a great one at that. But she didn't want to tell this guy off, besides she didn't even know who it was. 

Unknown (private chat) 

Unknown: hello beautiful 

You: um hi

Unknown: I bet your looking cute right now, send me a picture?

You: uh sorry I can't, my friend Kat is calling me, besides I don't even know who u r 

Unknown: Alright, it's ok..have a great breakfast 

You: yea um thanks 

"That guy is a persistent." Kat commented, looking over Savana's shoulders.

"I know right, so creepy." Savana admitted. If there was one person she could admit her feelings to, it was Kat.

"I think we should head down, to breakfast, like for reals." Kat said.

They headed down to breakfast, they were the first ones there, besides Draco and Theo.

"Hey girls." Theo said, putting an arm around Kat's waist. While, Draco kissed Savana.

"So, I was thinking Savana, we haven't been on an actual date, so tomorrow Hogsmeade?" Draco  whispered into Savana's ear.

"Yayyy, finally, I have to get myself some candy!" Savana said, smiling brightly.

"I'll get it for you, besides I thought, Granger gave you some candy?" 

"She did, but it didn't include, fizzing whizbees, which are like my favourite." 

"I know that, love. Wait, who's Unknown?" Draco said, as Savana's phone beeped signifying a new notification from her secret admirer.

"'s no one." Savana said.

"You know, you can tell me, love." Draco said.

"It's just some guy who wrote me a letter on Christmas." Savana said. "A secret admirer, but I told him, we're only friends." 

"Really? And you didn't think of telling this to me." Draco said, his eyes filled with hurt. 

"I was about to." 

"Savana, let me get this straight, this guy who you don't even know, wrote you a letter on Christmas, knowing that I'm your boyfriend, and he decided to hit on you and you tell him that you can only be friends with him?" Draco said, angrily. 

"Well yeah." Savana said.

"Merlin, Savana, boys don't just want to be friends, they clearly want to snog you every chance they get, it's not just like being friends will suffice, how naive can you get?!" Draco was shouting now, and on his feet.

"Well, it's none of your business who I decide to make friends with!" Savanna shouted.

Everyone in the great hall was looking at them now.

"Really?! I think it is my business if my girlfriend is talking to some creep who wants to hit on her!" 

Savana left the room, tears streaming down, her face. Not because Draco had shouted at her, but because he was right, and she was being foolish.

❤︎  𝙳𝚛𝚞𝚗𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 ❤︎ | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now