My arms get weak and my fingers get numb. The nights when my chest feels so heavy I think I'll fall right through the floor, it is hard to bare. It is hard to cope with, and it is hard to even live on. My eyes get heavy as the numb swells up and my head slowly drops untill it can't anymore. I'll spend hours blankly staring at something, wishing I could feel anything. But the second I do I wish I could feel nothing. It's a constant war, always either in pain or numb. Even when I think I'm not, it's always there, brewing and waiting for the night to come on, when it knows my mind is at it's weakest. But not forever..
The Journey From One To Another
EspiritualA journal from one to another, to help struggling minds with daily life, and to help one not to feel alone during the long hours of the night.