Accidentally - Akashi Seijuro - (requested)

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A/N: It may be pretty long since my imagination just can't stop. XD

Normal POV

A depressed aura came from you. A gloomy aura. You sucked at baking a cake. Unfortunately, the teacher asked you, not just you, but all of the students, to bake a cake, a simple cake is fine. She said that it was required, if you didn't do it, you'll automatically get a zero. And of course, you didn't want that to happen.

Your POV

Curse. I can't do this, but I have to.. I mean, look at the others.. Akashi-kun can do it so well, (bf/n) can do it well too.. *sigh*

Soo, I guess, I put it here..? *pours* *stirs*

Normal POV

You were holding the dough now. Suddenly, someone accidentaly pushed you and your dough flew into the air. *plop* It fell on top of Akashi, who is in front of you. I mean, Akashi's head. ( bad luck, prepare to die, reader-chan XD buttttt..  I'm not that mean to let u die now, maybe later xD)

The class immediately went silent. No one dared to make a sound. Then, the dough fell from Akashi's head. Akashi came to you with a furious aura, and you knew what would happen to you. Die.

You immediately said, "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" 100 times. You bowed repeatedly for who knows how many times. You said, "I-It's an accident, I'm sorry" You went back to bowing down for 200 times.

Finnaly, you stopped. Akashi glared at you menacingly and u fainted in place. XD


From that day on, Akashi always glared at you. You were afraid of him, very afraid. But, from that day too, Akashi started to notice you. He loved your clumsiness, your carelessness, and everything about you.

Then, it's break time. You decided to get a peace in mind by reading books in the library. You saw Akashi standing by the shelfs, reading a book. Since the book you wanted to take is near it and it's high, you have difficulties. You weren't tall enough, so you slowly tried to take the book by standing on your tippy toes. Buttttt, your hand slipped and the books near it fell. Want to know where it fell? Yeah, right. Akashi's head. Bloody hell. Die, reader-chan...

Akashi glared at you and took his scissors. Your mouth hung agape at his actions. You then stuttered, "I-I-I-I'm s-s-sorry!!! I-I accidentaly dr-dropped the books!!"

Akashi glared at you and he prepared to attack you. Then, he launched his scissors forward but you ducked unconsciously. His eyes widened and then he slowly smirked.

He said, "Perfect.." You stuttered, "I-I'm very sorry Akashi-kun, I accidentaly dropped those books!" You then bowed down.

Akashi then commanded, "Raise your head, servant." (lol xD so mean)

You did as you were told to. He suddenly pushed himself to you and pinned you on the bookshelf. He said, "(y/n), you kept on saying 'accidentaly', was that truly an accident or just part of your plan?"

You answered, "I-I swear, it's an accident!" You couldn't say those words properly coz you were blushing hard from his closeness.You observed his face and you noticed that he was handsome, like really handsome. For you, it was like love at the first sight. He then chuckled.

"Then, (y/n), I ACCIDENTALLY fell for you." He said. Suddenly, he kissed you forcefully. You didn't know what to do so you just gave in. Since the library was so quiet, no one knew that.

From that day on, you knew that the word 'accidentally' meant so much. The whole world changed because of that 1 simple word, 'accidentally'.


Thank you for requesting @Marelynn_Neko !! Thanks for reading! Please comment and vote! :)

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