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Five’s Dreamscape

The Dalek’s voice faded as they too transported out of the quarry that was once Lake Windermere.  How could this be?  The Doctor laid crouched with his hands over his head sobbing his hearts out.  

“Cruelty, thy name is Davros!” he cursed to the dull murky skies above where he had many happy adventures, “ANNABELLE!” he screamed.  “ANNA - BELLE!”  

The Doctor sniffed and squared his shoulders: “Right,” he said staring around the bleak landscape, “no point in feeling sorry for yourself,” stepping up to the TARDIS he took the key out of his pocket and was just about to open the door when he sniffed, “I am sure I can follow your foul stench to the ends of the Universe, Davros.”

Tegan’s Dreamscape

Paula sat with her arms wrapped around a sobbing Tegan.  Tegan’s hands wrung themselves red-raw and they were damp from sweat.  Paula’s heart broke at the sight of this young, confident looking woman, going to pieces over a man. Paula rubbed Tegan’s arm gently squeezing it with a gentle smile of encouragement.

“I am sure that he has his reasons,” Paula sighed hugging Tegan closer, “what was it he said?”

“It is not what he said!” Tegan sniffed.  Her body shook with her emotions and Paula kissed Tegan’s head, “it is what he implied!”

“What did he imply?” Paula held Tegan slightly away so she could gaze into her eyes.  Tegan kept her wet eyes focussed on her lap.  “Tegan?”

Sighing Tegan glanced up and was consoled by the warmth of concern in the young woman’s brown eyes. “You know what The Doctor keeps telling me?” she snapped.  Eyes sparked fire through her sadness, waving her hands at the door, “I KNOW YOU’RE LISTENING, DOCTOR!” Tegan yelled.  Smirking Paula nodded to confirm her new friend’s suspicion, “HE encourages me to keep my heart brave as... as...”

“As what?”

Tegan burst into tears again: “As I am the biggest coward of them all!” her voice softened, right now she felt two inches tall.

The Doctor thundered into the room.  Countenance serious as his blue eyes sizzled with electrical sparks of fury: “YOU are not a coward, Tegan Jovanka!” he roared, Tegan shrank back a little, Paula used her hand to indicate he should lower his tone and aspect a little.  The Doctor noticed, immediately his eyes changed from fiery indignation to warm paternity.  “There is much good in you and you,” he walked up to her bending down on his knees, stroking her cheek with his gloved hand gazing into her soul, “you are wonderful!”

“So,” she whispered lowering her eyes, “if I am so wonderful why doesn’t Turlough want me?”

The Doctor had no answer to that.  Inside his soul he was hoping Frank was making better progress.

“If she is so wonderful,” Frank sighed as he sat on a chair opposite Turlough with a glass of beer, “why did you refuse her?”

Turlough raised his eyebrows to the ceiling as he was laying flat on his back on a rather hard bed.  Austere cotton covers.  Nothing on the walls.  Minimal amount of furniture.  Not the TARDIS’ finest bedroom.  Just what scum like him deserves.

“Because she is too glorious for me,” he sighed turning his head.  Startling Frank with the starkness of his own self-loathing present in Turlough’s eyes, “You do not have that problem.  Tegan, well, she is fantastic.  I tried to kill her when we first met.  My mission was to kill her and The Doctor.  I just about deserve her forgiveness let alone her heart!”

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