Chap. 4. Real life and text

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Sebastion Stan

Yes Sebastion?

                                                You should
Come out for
Drink with us tonight

Who's us?

Me, Anthony Mackie
Robert downey Jr
Chris evens Clark Gregg
Scarlett Johansson and
Maybe a couple others

What time?

We will be done
Filming for the day
By then

Sure where

I'll pick you

Mkay see you
Tonight then


   Nadia had gotten off work about and hour and a half ago, so she hit the gym in her neighborhood.  She lost track of time and realized it was 6:30.  "Shit" she thinks realizing she only has a half hour so she rushes home.  Nadia was a bit nervous for tonight.  The only person she really knows is Clark, who is like a father to her.  She kinda knew Sebastion but not well, and she hasn't filmed any scenes with Anthony Mackie yet.  And she knew of the other people there but had never met them.  Nadia is looking through her closet hoping to find some thing. Ultimately she decides on a pair of black jeans and white tee shirt with the leather jacket that she stole from set of Agents of Sheild during season 3.  She has this.  There is nothing to be nervous of. Her phone chimes. 
Sebastion Stan
I'm here
She is about to rush out the door when she hears a knock.  Confused she answers it to see Sebastion. 
"I was just about to head out" she says worried she took too long. 
"OH no worries, I texted you I was here, than I felt bad for not walking to your door so here I am. "  Sebastion says this all in a rush. "Okay, ready than?" Nadia says slowly and unsure of her self. 
They get into Sebastions fancy car.  They start chatting about random stuff and laughing hard.  The L.A sun in their face.  They quickly arrive at bar in the downtown. Nadia's nerves are intense.  Sebastion and Nadia walk in and see everyone at the bar.  When Clark sees her his face lights up.  "Nads, I didn't realize you where gonna be here!"  When he says this it cause everyone else to turn around and stare at t he pair. 
"Yeah, Sebastion here talked me into it." She jusy wants them to stop starting at her.  Before anyone can say anything Sebastion is shoved from her side and replaces with Anthony Mackie. 
"Why hello there beautiful " he says with a chess smile.
"Sebby said you where pretty but damn" he says flirtatiously, causing Nadia to blush. 
"Aren't you married Anthony? "  Says Scarlett,  "no harm in complementing someone." He says
"Leave her alone." Sebastion shoves Anthony oit of the way.
"Nadia, this is Robert,  Scarlett, and Chris. You know Clark and you just met Anthony "  He introduces her to everyone and they all say hi back.  "You play Quake right?" Chris asks. "Yeah, Sebastion, Anthony, Clark and I are all working on the movie right now" Nadia says making conversation, from there Chris and Nadia start talking about work.  Sebastion and Anthony start a conversation.  "So, you and her Sebby?" Anthony asks due to the vibes he had gotten when they arrived here.  "Oh no we are just friends" Sebastion says to quickly.  "I don't know, you should see them on set." Pipes in Clark "They are really cute." He continues with a smirk.  Sebastion glances back at Nadia who is now talking with Scarlett and chris about who knows what.  "Mm, shure seems like you have a thing for her kid" says Robert with a smirk.  "I barely know her" Sebastion says trying to end the conversation. "And?" Clark asks
"That doesn't mean you don't have a crush" says Anthony.
"I don't know guys shes really cool but we just met, don't rush it" He says.  All three men smirk at him.  Wondering when he  will see it.
Guess whos back!!!  Sorry I just had a bit of writers block but I should be able to upload weekly again. Love you all, and I finished my Tom Holland story called Hey there Delilah, you should check it it.
-love Fandom_Slayer

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