OdaMon - (A)

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Miyu falls.


With the way Oda talks, the way she thinks, the way she carries herself, and just exists.

It’s inevitable, really, because Oda is there with her every step of the way and Miyu just swoons when the taller girl so much as looks in her general direction.
Oda claims Miyu as her best friend not long after meeting her, not only because Miyu is talented but because they just click and there’s something about Miyu that makes Oda feel at peace; at home.
Their friendship grows, the roots of it tangles with their veins and seeps into their blood; ever present.
It isn’t until one day, several months later, when Oda mentions something about her lifelong best friend, Yui, returning to Tokyo, that Miyu feels like her world has tilted off its axis.
She thought Oda was her best friend.
Only hers.
Something about the way Oda says the other girl’s name lets her know that she is no longer the priority.

She is no longer the one and only .

They train and practice, spending nearly every waking second together, except on their free days. Because, on their free days, Oda wants to spend her time with Yui and no one else.
On their free days Miyu is no longer Oda’s number one, Yui is.
Miyu doesn’t complain or throw a tantrum; she takes it day by day. She gladly soaks up every single second she gets to spend with her and revels in their every moment together.
She stores the memories of Oda in her mind eye, to treasure them and never forget how her heart stutters at the sight.

The years go by and Miyu gets used to it. Being second to Yui is nothing but an ever present dull ache in the back of her mind; it’s bearable.
The real problem arises one fateful day, when the members are all hanging out together on a girl’s night.

They choose to stay in after considering the overcast sky and the high chance of a sudden downpour.

“I dare you to spin the bottle and kiss the person it points to when it stops,” Akane says with the largest grin on her face -- she’s already well into her sixth drink of the night.
Miyu, ever the person to take on a dare and fulfill it with the utmost determination, does just as she is told. She snatches up one of the empty bottles of alcohol they have laying around and spins it as everyone finishes settling down into their spots around the small coffee table.
It lands on none other than Oda Nana and suddenly everything is moving in slow motion because all Miyu notices is the way the younger girl licks at her red lips. Her heart starts to hammer painfully against her chest and Miyu realizes that she has never felt so anxious in her entire life when their eyes finally meet.
It’s just a dare.
It’s just a dare.
Just a dare , she continues to chant in her head.
She leans forward and chickens out at the last second, aiming for Oda’s cheek rather than her lips.
“Ah-ah!” Akane stops her before her lips connect with Oda’s warm cheek.
“What?” Miyu huffs, exasperated and out of sorts.
Oda stays silent throughout the exchange.
“I clearly meant for you to kiss the person’s lips not their cheek, so,” Akane drunkenly motions at her and Oda, “go on, make it real.”
Miyu turns back to the younger girl with a blush, their faces mere inches apart, and starts to lean in again. Their lips softly brush against each other and something goes off inside of Miyu. It feels like a revelation that she didn’t even know she was looking for. She freezes up for a second because Oda is unexpectedly cupping her cheek and opening her mouth, teasing her lips with her tongue and all Miyu can do is let her. She relents and parts her lips at the younger girl’s insistence, letting Oda do as she pleases with her. A whimper escapes her lips and suddenly someone is clearing their throat and Oda is pushing her away, hands on the younger girl’s shoulders and head hung low.
“Wow,” Akane says as she shakes her head in an attempt to get her thoughts together.
The rest of the night goes by in a hazy mess of games and random conversations about their dreams. Oda sits as far away from Miyu as she possibly can without seeming suspicious.
The next morning brings with it a hammering headache and massive hangover for each and every one of them. They all remember the events of the previous night but no one brings it up. Especially not Oda and Miyu.

They never speak of it nor make reference to it; it becomes a taboo subject -- the elephant in the room.

It isn’t until one fated night, when Oda stumbles into her room, drunk on an odd mix of expensive wine and cheap beer, that Miyu feels her world tilt off its axis once more.
The ypunger girl is mumbling out an entire explanation that is mostly incoherent and all that Miyu is able to pick out of the mumbled mess is “Yui” and “Rejected.”
She doesn’t quite know what to do or what to say but Oda takes the decision right out of her hands when she pounces on her and brings their lips together in a messy drunken kiss. Miyu doesn’t push her away, she can’t find it in herself to do so. That is, until Oda starts taking off her clothes and stripping Miyu of her own.
“Wait, wait,” she holds Oda’s hands in place so she stops undressing herself, the younger girl already standing topless and with her shorts half undone, “we need to stop.”
Oda shakes her head and pulls her back in for a heated kiss. She sucks and nibbles at Miyu’s lips, her tongue tracing every curve of the older girl’s mouth.
“Dani,” Miyu whimpers when the blonde latches onto her neck and sucks, hard , “you’re drunk,” Miyu tries to reason and push her away.
Oda kisses her way up Miyu's smooth neck, leaving wet kisses in her wake and brings their lips together once more.
“I want you,” she breathes when they pull apart for air, their lips a hair’s breadth away, “I need you,” she growls before capturing the older girl’s taunting lips with her own and tugging up at her shirt.
Miyu gives in, she always gives in.


These are the only words they exchange the rest of the night, each and every one accompanied by roaring thunder.

They don’t speak of it in the morning when they rain has settled and the streets of Seoul are flooded.

The closest they ever get to talking about it is two days later, when Oda catches sight of the hickey she left on Miyu’s neck, and unconsciously reaches out to gently trace her fingers over it.
She doesn’t say a word but Miyu can see the apology plainly reflected in her eyes.

Miyu tells herself that it doesn’t hurt.

(It does.)

She tells herself that it didn’t mean anything to her either.

(It did.)

Days later, she pretends it doesn’t hurt when Oda tells the group that Yui isn’t just her best friend, she’s her girlfriend.

(It breaks her to pieces.)

Days turn to weeks, weeks turn to months, months turn to years that come and go -- passing her by like a breeze -- Miyu is stagnant.
Their 3rd year anniversary passes by in a flurry of events that Miyu can barely keep up with but she pretends to be the happiest she has ever been -- her facade unbreakable.
A week later, Oda bursts into her room; a storm in her wake.
Always like a hurricane.
She cries her heart out and Miyu just barely catches the part where Oda says that Yui broke up with her.
It’s something that seemed like a long time coming, at least to Miyu, but Oda was too caught up with her love and completely blindsided.
Miyu wants to apologize to the younger girl, she wants to comfort her in every way possible but the words get caught up in her throat.

Thunder rumbles in the distance and a gush of rain starts pounding at her window, Miyu finds it quite fitting, because Oda always seems to drag along a downpour whenever she shows up inside her room in the middle of the night.

That’s when it happens…

She cries, not because Oda is in her arms, but because she may have taken Oda’s first kiss and her first time, but Yui took her whole heart.

She cries because she’ll never have her, not really .

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