Discussion of the dead

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(A/N) AAAAAAAH, hey guys I'm so so sooo sorry for not updating for so long(つ﹏<。)
My hotspot finished so suddenly like:

hotspot: "let me just end my self real quick"
Me: no I need you so I can post this chapter, please o(;△;)o
Hotspot:...nah byeᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

If I knew it was going to end to soon I would have said so, but I'm saying it now.

If I haven't posted in a while, it's probably has to do with my internet unless I say otherwise, but that's probably going to be the only reason.

Also while I have been internetless I've been felting with a felting kit I almost forgot I had and decided to make my baby Void out of felt since it was so adorable🥰

Anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter, I surprised it turned out this long, I kinda forgot I had to end it at some point.

Hope my internet lasts a bit longer so I can post another chapter soon.

Thanks everyone for reading ☆⌒ヽ(*'、^*)chu

A magicians Beast Chapter 15

*Somewhere in Korea*

The sky was bright with light clouds gliding by as a man went to his manager to report important information about something that occurred the previous day.

"Manager Yoo Jin-Cheul."

The light brown haired man looked up from his computer and gazed at the man that wanted his attention.

"A moment..." The businessman said politely

"What is it?" Jin-Cheul asked

The other man handed his manager the clipboard he was holding as the higher ranking man flicked through the information present on the papers.

"In this C-Rank dungeon raid 8 people were killed in action. The survivors were a D-Rank and two E-Rank hunters."

"Looks like they ran away. Isn't it a common occurrence?" Jin-Cheul asked as the papers ruffled in between his fingers.

"No,they didn't run, they cleared the dungeon."

The manager's eyes shifted to the other man as he returned the clipboard to him.

"The D-Rank, Yoo Jin-Ho's equipment was especially high-class, so it's possible that a C-Rank Boss was defeated by him. The Boss [Giant Arachnid Buryura] shouldn't have been much of a threat to organised parties, so it's strange that 8 people died." The other man relayed the information.

"Don't beat around the bush and tell me." Jin-Cheul said bluntly

"If there wasn't a really strange part you wouldn't have consulted me and taken care of it yourself."


"One of the E-Rank survivors was hunter Sung Jin-Woo from the dungeon incident."

"Sung Jin-Woo? Who was the other E-Ranked survivor."

"Hunter (l/n) (m/n)"

The manager thought to himself about the information. The two hunters did ask about each other when they woke up, so it doesn't seem off that they would be in a dungeon together.

"It seems like there are suspicions parts. But it's unnecessary to worry. The magic strength measurement device we used then was a super-high class one that drop from A-Rank monsters. Awakenings aren't even that common, and there's no need to be suspicious of them again. Checking once will do." Jin-Cheul dismissed the issue

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