Chapter 17

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Hop walked up the stairs with two cooled iced tea bottles in his hand. After a text he received from Victor this morning he hurried himself towards the entrance of Wedgehurst to stop the girl of his dreams from going away after a fight with her brother. The purple haired boy was very worried about Gloria, he was glad he actually could help her like this. She called off her work as a champion for the rest of the week plus her secret training with Cane for the next two days due to exhaustion. She really was exhausted. The young champion could barely walk when Hop found her. Gloria was going to spend the next couple of days at his house, so he had the perfect opportunity to learn more about her and Eternatus. The thing he was wondering most about is why controlling Eternatus was weighing so heavy on her body. Hop entered his room to find Gloria sitting on his carpet with Dubwools head resting on her lap. Her eyes were fixated at the telly, there was an program about her on now. Two reporters trying to analyze her battle style and special bond with her Pokémon. Hop sat down next to her on the floor. He handed over her drink and relaxed a little.

"Ah, thank you!" She sweetly said as she turned her head to face him.

Hop glanced at the telly, then back at her. He tilted his head questionably and opened up his mouth to speak. "I wonder, what is it that makes your battle style so unique from others?"

Gloria let out a soft giggle and took a sip of the tea. She gave Dubwool a few last strokes on its head before answering him, too shy to face him yet. 

"I think it was because I am lucky enough to have such an amazing rival as you." She suddenly turned beet red and looked into his yellow eyes. "Eh- Victor too, of course! But you always had me wondering how to outsmart you. Because to me you're the smartest person in the world."

Hop's face started to flush red too now. Oh this is bad. He thought to himself. He last time he shared a room with Gloria he couldn't contain himself. Maybe he could ask his mum if they had a spare matrass to spare... No. They always shared a bed together ever since they were little. He had to find something else to talk about... He glanced around the room and jumped forwards to grasp two controllers lying in front of the telly. He handed one of them to Gloria. 

''Wanna play some games together? I've got the day off anyways!'' He offered her. 

Gloria grabbed the controller with a smirk. ''Sure!'' 

The day went by peacefully. They had some dinner together with Hop's mom and grandparents. They went outside to play with their pokémon afterwards, but it didn't take long before they decided to go to bed. Hop opened the door to his room once again after taking a shower. Gloria was lying in his bed now, wearing his pajama shirt which practically looked like a dress on her. Dubwool was loyally laying down at her feet, sleeping peacefully. With a smile he closed the door and walked over to the bed. He hovered over his best friend. She turned around to face him with one of her fingers at her lip, hushing him to be quiet so he wouldn't wake up Dubwool. Hop felt a spark of affection rising in him for both his Pokémon and Gloria. His partner had always been close to her, but it was almost like the fluffy sheep Pokémon could sense what the champion was going through. It hadn't left her side since she arrived at Hop's house. The young boy carefully put his knee on the bed so he could crawl over to his own side. He tried to be as silent as possible so he wouldn't wake up his sleeping partner. He managed to slip in under the covers. He could feel Gloria's body pressing against his now. His heart started beating harder in his chest. This is not the time. He told himself over and over in his head.

"Hop?" Gloria whispered out his name softly.

"Mate?" He answered softly.

Gloria was silent for a second. She softly turned around so her forehead was only a few centimeters away from is chin. Lifting up her head, she stared into his eyes while carefully placing her hand on his chest. Her hazelnut colored eyes were sparkling, full with emotion.

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