Hi there!
I've missed you all :')
As you can probably tell I'm still alive, but barely hanging on.
For all of you, poor poor souls who have not given up on me - Worry not! Neither of my books are cancelled.
However, as you've probably noticed already, I'm going onto a hiatus.
Reason is fairly simple - currently, I'm a uni student (wow, I'm old?)at one of the most challenging universities in the country.
I say challenging, as it is really high up in the ranks ( especially my department) and A LOT is expected of me schoolwork-wise.
External loan and adulting problems aside, I find very little if any time for myself these days.I will be back as soon as I'll get those issues fixed and manage to actually get some leisure time for writing as a hobby again.
Once I will, I should hope to come back twice a writer, as I will get plenty of literary practice during that time.
For now, all I can do is give you my most sincere apologies for leaving you hanging for so long already.
Much Love and gratitude,
Butterscotch 💖
unFRIENDLY RIVALRY: countryhumans
Historical FictionPoland is a country with an unpleasant history and many conflicts. Now with the fall of communism, he has managed to pull through the difficult times and move on from the trauma of the WWII. Currently all of his cities were fully rebuilt and he hi...