Little update

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Hi there!

I've missed you all :')

As you can probably tell I'm still alive, but barely hanging on.

For all of you, poor poor souls who have not given up on me - Worry not! Neither of my books are cancelled.

However, as you've probably noticed already, I'm going onto a hiatus.

Reason is fairly simple - currently, I'm a uni student (wow, I'm old?)at one of the most challenging universities in the country.
I say challenging, as it is really high up in the ranks ( especially my department) and A LOT is expected of me schoolwork-wise.
External loan and adulting problems aside, I find very little if any time for myself these days.

I will be back as soon as I'll get those issues fixed and manage to actually get some leisure time for writing as a hobby again.

Once I will, I should hope to come back twice a writer, as I will get plenty of literary practice during that time.

For now, all I can do is give you my most sincere apologies for leaving you hanging for so long already.

Much Love and gratitude,

Butterscotch 💖

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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