Bad News

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"I'm so sorry Miss Granger... your body does not function well enough to be pregnant and have a child." She said and I stood up. "What?!" I yelled. "I'm so sorry. I will give you two a minute" she walked out.

I looked at Hermione who was just standing there grabbing her stomach. "D-Draco" her voice cracked and it sounded so sudden. So soft. So not like her. So broken. She reached out for me. I ran to her and she fell into my arms. She started to cry and I hugged her tightly to my chest. She sobbed very loudly now and we slid down to the floor to the point where we were kneeling together now. (Let me tell you that I wanted to cry making this 😭 and my stomach has butterflies. Idk if that's good or bad lol)

"Will you still love me" she sobbed loudly. "Of course baby girl of course" I said running my fingers through her hair. "I'll love you will all of my heart"

She cried loudly for the next 5 minutes. You have no idea how it broke my heart. She started to breath hard and fast. "It's okay it's okay" "I'm a-sorry" she yelled. "For what?" "That I cant give you what you want-wanted. A f-family" She cried. I put her hair up into a messy bun and I took her off of me. "You have nothing to apologize about. Look you're going to make me cry" I said wiping a tear away. I took the tissues off of the table and wiped her face. Her pink and tear stained cheeks that made me want to just melt. The doctor came in and saw us on the floor. "You ready to talk?" She asked and I nodded. I picked Hermione up and sat her in my lap on the chair. "Your ovary does not give functions to have a child or carry one. You have options to adopt or have someone carry a child for you. You may also still try to have a baby of your own, but it may take time and may not even work. I'm so sorry to have to give you this information... it is the worst part of my job honestly. I will leave you this paper, Mr. Malfoy, and it is for you to give to the headmistress. I hope you two can enjoy the rest of your day. Thanks for coming" she said and handed me the paper as she walked out.

"Come on princess let's go" I said lifting her up. Bed legs straddled my hips as I stood up. It was hard to walk but I didn't want to put her down as she started crying into my chest again. "It's ok baby. Calm down. I will always move you. Forever. I am sorry there is nothing we can do to fix this and if I could, I would do anything to help, but we can't."

"But w-why me?" She yelled. She got off me and hit the desk falling to the ground and crying again. I picked her up on my back and we aparates back to Hogwarts.

Everyone watched as I walked in with Hermione on my back. They all looked sad and worried. Some people didn't care, but I didn't pay attention to them. "T-they Stare" she stumbled. "I don't care and neither should you" I said and she nodded. She dug her head into my neck. Weaslette ran past us. She looked at me and mouthed 'what happened' I pointed to the room of requirement and she nodded and got Potter.

R.R (room of requirements)

We got inside and I let weaslette and Potter in. I put Hermione down on the couch and she fell right to sleep. Her eyes were red and puffy. I took Potter and weaslette into the room. "What happened!" Weaslette yelled. "We went to the check up today... they said she can't have k-kids" I said and they put their hands over their mouths. "W-why?" Potter asked. "The doctor just said that she isn't stable. We can try but it may not even work. It would only be a 10% chance." I said and weaslette leaned against Potter. "We hopefully still will try but it's done and we can't change anything. I won't stop loving her either way and I know that some people do leave their partners after they find out they can't have children. I know she will doubt me but I need you to tell her that I will not stop loving her. Please. "Of corse" Potter replied nodding.

Forced and Married by the law of the ministry (dramione, romione, dansy) Where stories live. Discover now