Lost then Found

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It had now been 5 days. Today was day 6. At this point I wanted to just give up.

It was time for lunch when I heard the doorbell. "Get in the damn closet mudblood" Ronald said pushing me down. He put a paper over my mouth so I couldn't speak. But I could hear.

The door opened. "Where is she!"  It was Harry! And Draco!

"Where is who!"

"Hermione! We know you have her we have searched everywhere but here!" They pushed Ron out of the way and got in the house. I could hear their footsteps getting closer but then leaving again. "Oh my fucking Merlin she has to be here" Draco mumbled.

I tried so hard to scream and as I did, Ron got me out of the closet. "They're gone and I heard you scream!" He said pulling me out.

I tried walking away but his grasp was too hard and I felt a burn on my stomach. A belt smacked across my stomach.

Then the door opened again and Harry ran in. "I knew it!" He said and removed me from his grip. I started to cry sad tears and feel happiness inside, it was all so confusing. Harry hugged me and shoved me behind him. He hit Ron with some sort of spell that made him go across the room and faint. "Won won, you alright down there?" Lavender said. "Shh. Come on" he whispered. He grabbed my hand and we ran out, he shut the door and I just cried.

She just fell in front of me. Her legs were shaking and she looked pale. "H-Harry, I haven't drank any water for the last 5 days a-and I'm t-tired and hungr-hungry" she stumbled. "Let's go to your house. Draco went to Hogwarts to check for you and we will just wait for him there. I picked her up bridal style and we walked over to the house. "H-Harry I want to t-throw up and I'm sleepy" she said yawning. "You can't fall asleep right now or you will faint. Stay awake Mione" I said. We got inside the house and I sat her up. I quickly got the rubbing alcohol and water. "First drink some water and then smell this" I said giving her the things. She took a few sips and smelled the liquid. "Ew" she said. I pushed the bottle up to her nose. "You have to!" I said and pushed the bottle to her again. She put down the bottle and didn't look good. "H-Harry" She said in a whisper.

Then she started throwing up on the carpet. "It's ok Mione. Let it out" I said and sat next to her as I grabbed her hair up. Draco came in the door, it looked as if he had been crying. "Oh my bloody Merlin Hermione!" He said rushing over to our side. "I'm sorry" she said. "It's ok. We can clean it or buy a new one... you know what? Who needs this tiny carpet. It was pretty ugly anyway" he said. I stood up and he hugged me. It felt weird but good. I needed it. "Thank you mate. Very much" he said. "Anytime Draco" I replied back and walked out the door. Ginny is probably at home very mad with her hormones.

Forced and Married by the law of the ministry (dramione, romione, dansy) Where stories live. Discover now