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16112018, 13.16, Serious Organized Crime Agency.

Chris Hendersen comes running inside the Serious Organized Crime Agency. It's supposed to be his day off but his boss called him ten minutes ago and told him that they have an urgent matter. 
"I'm here! What's going on?"

His boss Mr. Lawrence hands him a bunch of Police reports and he starts to flip through them with furrowed eyebrows. He chuckles and looks up at his team.
"Very funny. Who's idea was it to play a prank on me? Did you really have to do it on my day off? Not cool guys!"

Five middle-aged men stare at him absolutely clueless.
"What are you talking about?" His boss says.

"This is all of the members of One Direction, including Zayn!" Chris says and waves the papers in his hand.

"Yes, we've been told they're artists of some sort. We were just about to do a press release to see what the kidnappers want in ransom." Mr. Lawrence says.

"No! You can't do that! You don't get it. These boys have a huge fanbase. They would go crazy if they found out that someone has kidnapped their boys! I'm talking full-blown riot and not just in England, the whole world." Chris stresses. 

"Their boys?" One of his colleagues says with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, look, the only witness who could say anything about the kidnappers is this thirteen-year-old girl. There's a reason for that. She knows how tall Zayn is and that's why she could determine the height of the kidnappers. Because of Louis, she could pinpoint their Adidas trousers and Harry is the reason behind her knowledge of the shoes they were wearing." Chris tries to explain.

His team stares at him in disbelief.
"So what, a thirteen-year-old girl is our main witness?" A man named Carlson says.

"Absolutely." Chris states firmly.

Mr. Lawrence gives him a pensive stare like he's evaluating him.
"Okay, Hendersen, you take the lead in this."

"The kid? You must be joking, boss!" Carlson immediately protests.

"Does any of you know of One Direction?" Mr. Lawrence asks and they all shrug their shoulders. "The kid is the one with the knowledge here. He's taking the lead and I expect all of you to support him, is that clear?"

The team hums in agreement. Not loving the fact that they keep on calling him a kid, Chris ignores it. He finally got a shot! If he, no when he saves One Direction from a hostage situation he'll finally be taken seriously around here. With his 24 years of age, he's always the one no one listens to.
"Where do you wanna start?" His boss asks.

He takes a deep breath and pretends that he's confident. He looks in the papers.
"I want to bring in the witness, eh Bianca for questioning and in the meantime, you can check every traffic camera and security camera to see if you can find the cars and where they went."

"Alright then." Mr. Lawrence agrees.


A half-hour later the young girl, accompanied by her father is waiting in one of the interrogation rooms. Chris takes a deep, calming breath before he walks in and takes a seat.
"Hi, Bianca." He says with what he hopes will be a friendly smile.

"Oh my God, Oh my God. Where's Zaynie? Did they do something to him? I'll kill them!" Bianca screeches and her father looks nervous.
"She didn't mean that literally."

"First of all, remember that you can't tell anyone what you saw. No friends, not online. You could put Zayn in danger if you do, you understand?" Chris says, trying to sound really serious.

Bianca bursts out crying.
"I would never harm one of the boys. Of course! Is he hurt? Dead? I can't take this!"

"As far as we know he's alive. I need you to focus Bianca. You already gave us valid information. Is there anything else you can think of?" Chris asks, trying to keep his voice soft.

Bianca dries her nose on her sleeve.
"I don't know. I went so fast but I think the one driving was a girl. I mean, the driver was really small."

"That's great Bianca. Anything else?" Chris encourages.

"Ehm, have you checked with James? He kidnapped the Jonas Brothers when they were getting back together." Bianca suggests.

"James?" Chris asks confused.

"James Corden! Late late show." Bianca says like it's obvious.

"Oh, ehm, I'll look into that." Chris says.

"The fans have been begging him for months to kidnap them and put the band together and like, he said he couldn't but maybe he changed his mind?" Bianca says looking deadly serious.

"Right... well thank you for coming in Bianca. Call me if you can remember anything else. I'll leave my number with your dad okay?" Chris says and hands the father a business card.

"Just find Zayn. He just had a baby." Bianca says with teary eyes.

"I'm working on it. Just remember that you can't tell anyone about this. Promise me, Bianca!" Chris says sternly and she nods her head. 


He hurries to see if the team found anything on camera as soon as Bianca and her dad leaves. They have good news.
"We've managed to track three cars so far. They all drove to the same parking garage. Unfortunately, we have no idea what happened after that. We assume they changed vehicles." Carlson informs him.

"Keep looking. Hanson, come with me. Let's check out the garage." Chris says and they head off.


They find all five cars deserted in the garage and immediately call in a team to go through them to look for evidence.
"Okay, it's time to inform the families. Investigate if they had any potential threats against them. We better call their agencies as well." Chris sighs.

He doesn't like this. Something doesn't add up. It doesn't fit the profile for a kidnapping. No ransom has been requested that he knows of. Five really famous people have just seemed to fall off the face of the Earth. Why? What's the agenda?

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