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22.16, Serious Organized Crime Agency

No! Chris watches the screen in horror. Harry and Louis are stumbling into Louis' room in a heated make-out session. He should look away but it's like watching a trainwreck. You can't tear your eyes away. This is cruel. It's such an intimate and private moment and they don't know that they're getting filmed.

All of a sudden the screen goes black, just as they take each other's shirts off. A text appears.
This is private.

Chris stares at the screen. The person behind this really cares about them. It must be someone they know, someone close to them. So far the whole agenda has been to expose their management and label and the stunts they had to endure. The main goal seems to be to get Harry and Louis back together and that's a success. Someone who doesn't love them on a personal level wouldn't care and they wouldn't stop showing them in an intimate situation. He needs to look into family and close friends first thing tomorrow.

19112018, 09.14, Unknown location

"Good morning." Harry says with a smile as he opens his eyes and meets Louis' blue ones.

"Good morning. I love you." Louis answers.

That makes Harry's dimples show.
"I love you too."

"I'm never letting you go again. I don't care if we have to stay closeted for the rest of our lives. As long as I have you by my side I'm happy." Louis says and looks insecure.

"I feel the same way Lou and it's two more years and then our contract is finally over." Harry answers and kisses him.

"Piece of cake." Louis grins and holds him closer.

"Lou? Do you always walk around with lube on you?" Harry chuckles.

Louis bursts out laughing.
"You know I do when I'm with you. If you're asking if I brought the lube here the answer is no. It was on my nightstand. Our kidnapper is very considerate."

"Weird but it came in handy." Harry smirks.

09.30, Serious Organized Crime Agency

Chris has spent the last hour calling the boys closest family members. He has already contacted Niall's parents and brother and asked them questions, trying his best not to make them suspicious if one of them would be the kidnapper. Niall's family checked out. He proceeds to go through Louis's family members. He doubts any of his younger siblings would do this but he has to question them as well. He also asks them if they have told anyone about Harry and Louis' break up.

"Of course not! We know how important it is to keep their relationship a secret. I mean, I told Niall a while ago that they broke up but he's like family so that's okay." Louis's sister Phoebe rambles.

Chris thanks her and hangs up. All of the hair on his arms stands up. No, it couldn't be. That's insane. He gets up and runs to the tech guy.
"Bill! We need to watch everything from the beginning again."

"Uhm, okay?" Bill says and starts to bring up video clips that he has saved.

Chris takes a seat and watches intensely.
"Focus on Niall. I want to hear everything he says and does."

Bill gives him a confused look but fast forwards the first clip and skips Harry and Louis rolling around on the floor and presses play again as soon as Niall comes out of his room. Chris stares at the screen in anticipation.
"What the fuck is going on?" Niall says his first line and Chris stares at his facial expression. He looks upset.

He watches their interaction and when Niall speaks again he's really focused again.
"Shit! I didn't think of that! I was just so happy to see you all again."

So Niall is happy to see them? Nothing strange about that. He watches them go into the living room area and Niall lets out a "huh?" Chris can't determent if he's really surprised to find it empty or if he's just acting?

Niall runs up to the door and tries to open it.
"So, let me get this straight. Someone kidnapped all of us and locked us in some kind of house. For what?"

That's the burning question. Not for money, so why? Chris's eyes don't leave the screen. The voice starts to talk and reveals that Harry and Louis are getting a divorce.
"You broke up?" Niall screeches.

Chris furrows his eyebrows. Why is Niall pretending like he doesn't know when he clearly does according to Louis' sister?

He watches Niall question why they broke up and stating that Harry found his soulmate at age sixteen. Niall is clearly invested in their relationship. What is it the fans call him? Captain of the Larry ship? Interesting.

They fast forward to their first meal together. Niall congratulates Zayn for having a baby and then he says.
"Man, we're getting old! I can't believe that Zayn and Liam have children."

Niall is the one revealing that Louis isn't a father without actually saying it out loud. That's really smart. Chris is impressed.

He watches Niall get upset when Harry and Louis argue. When Louis storms off he turns to Harry and asks him if he still loves him. Chris continues to watch. They're discussing that their kidnapper knows their taste in clothes. Niall tries to re-direct their thoughts by saying that there are a million photos of them online. It's true but Chris gets a lump in his stomach.

Niall is the one entering the music room and initiates that they sing a One Direction song together. He's the one that points out that Louis is jealous of Harry and Zayn and he encourages both Harry and Zayn to talk to Louis to try and sort it out.

On to the next day, the lie detector.
"Oh, come on! We're getting out of here. We can always deny everything later." Niall says.

He talks them into doing it. Chris continues to watch. He's also the one who's encouraging Louis to sing the song he wrote. Chris's mind is blown. He's sure about it. Niall is the one behind this. He has the emotional connection to the boys and the money to make it happen. He's really subtle about it though. Chris can't prove anything unless Niall messes up. Now he at least knows that the boys are in no danger.

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