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20112018, 09.16, Unknown location

"Guys! The door is unlocked!" Liam shouts from the living room and they all come running.

The voice is heard.
"You're free to go. Harry and Louis have found their way back to each other and you all remembered how much you enjoy being in a band together. Thank you for your cooperation. Your cellphones are outside that door. Goodbye."

Liam pushes the door open and immediately grabs his phone that's neatly placed on a table beside the door. He calls the police and they track his phone for the location. They're in an underground bunker in the middle of nowhere.

Ten minutes later they're brought to the Serious Organized Crime Agency. Chris meets them and shows them to a room.
"I'm glad you're all in safety. My name is Chris Hendersen and I'm the agent who's in charge of your obduction."

"You didn't find us. Thank God we were let out." Niall says and Chris gives him an evaluating look.

They all sit down.
"I have to inform you that you got filmed in there. A video link showed up online. Everyone has been able to hear and see everything you've talked about and did." 

The boys stare at him in disbelief. Harry and Louis gasps in horror and Chris hurries to explain.
"Not that! The camera was turned off in Louis's room while you, ehm."

"Thank God!" Louis screeches.

"No, no, no, we revealed so much. We're getting sued!" Liam says, looking pale.

"Well, considering you all had no idea that you were getting filmed I can't see that a lawsuit would hold up in court." Chris says.

"We're out? We're free? Everyone knows?" Harry almost whispers.

"Yes." Chris answers.

Harry and Louis look at each other and starts to smile. They hug.
"No more hiding Haz."

Harry wipes away a tear that breaks loose.
"I can't believe it! That's great. It's not how I imagined it but still."

"I'll take it." Louis grins.

"I would imagine your old label and management are the ones in trouble now." Chris says.

They talk some more and when the boys are about to leave Chris turns to Niall.
"Can you stay behind? I need to talk to you alone."

The rest of the boys looks surprised but they leave the room nevertheless.
"We wait for you outside." Liam says and Niall nods his head.

As soon as they're alone Chris turns his head to look at Niall.
"I know you're behind this."

Niall lets out a nervous laugh.
"That's preposterous. Why would I kidnap my old bandmates? Myself?"

"That's a great question. I can't prove it but I know it was you." Chris says.

Niall relaxes.
"You'll never find any proof. I'm innocent."

"Yeah, not really. Just help me understand why." Chris says.

Niall stares at him.
"Are you trying to get a confession out of me?"

"Hypothetically, why would one of you do this? Kidnap yourself and your bandmates?" Chris asks.

Niall's eyes are glittering with humor. He chooses his words carefully.
"Well, totally hypothetically, one of us might have been fed up with the shit our label and management put us through and when it affected Louis and Harry to the point that they broke up, one of us thought of a way to get it all out in the open without getting sued for breaching our contracts, so they can be together. But it's only a guess. Neither of us did this of course."

"Of course. It's brilliant, I'll give you that." Chris says and can't help but smile.

"Are you investigating this further?" Niall asks, sounding worried.

"No. I can't prove it. I guess I won't find any evidence even if I look?" Chris asks.

"You're a smart guy Hendersen. Am I free to go?" Niall asks.


As soon as Niall is by himself he picks up his phone to call his partner in crime.
"We did it!"

"Holy shit Niall, it worked! Get over here so we can celebrate."

The weeks that follow are insane. Every newspaper and station hunts them for an exclusive. The fans are in a frenzy, demanding the end of Syco and Modest and they get their will. Both companies are declared bankrupt after they try to sue the boys and looses in court.

Harry and Louis stop their divorce. They get a bit of hate from the world but most people are happy for them and they can finally be out together in public. 

The boys make a new album together as One Direction and Zayn is on board as well. Whoever kidnapped them succeeded with his mission and Niall is really happy. He may have done the extreme but he had to. He's taking his secret to the grave.

Three months earlier, 22.37, Lewis Capaldi's mum's basement.

"They broke up? Why?" Lewis screeched and took a swing of the vodka.

"Phoebe told me that they're getting a divorce. They can't do it anymore, hide their relationship. We need to fix this!" Niall said upset.

"Maybe we should kidnap them." Lewis joked with a chuckle.

Niall stared at him.
"That's totally insane, and fucking brilliant! Yeah, let's do that!"

"I was just kidding Niall." Lewis said and spit out his vodka in surprise.

"Lewis my friend, just hear me out." Niall grinned.

The End

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