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17.01, Unknown location.

"I'm hungry!" Niall complains.

"Well, there's a kitchen. Let's see if there's any food." Liam suggests.

"Should we check on the other two?" Zayn asks.

"Give them some time to cool off." Liam answers and walks to the kitchen.

He opens the fridge to find it fully stocked. Niall lets out a happy squeal. They decide to make chicken and rice after they have checked the freezer and the cabinets as well. They forget that they're held hostage while they cook dinner together and they laugh and talk old memories.

Liam goes to knock on Louis' and Harry's bedroom doors as soon as the dinner is ready.
"Harry, are you gonna come out and eat dinner?"

"I'm not hungry." Harry answers.

"I don't buy it. Come on!" Liam says before he knocks on Louis' door.

"Go away!" Louis shouts.

"Dinner's ready. Come on, you need to eat". Liam says.

Harry opens his door and Liam can see that he has been crying.
"Are you okay?"

"No." Harry sighs.

Liam puts his arm around him and gives him a side hug before he leads him towards the kitchen. Zayn and Niall are already seated around the table and Harry and Liam sit down as well. Louis comes walking into the kitchen and takes a seat without saying a word. He doesn't look at anyone. There's an awkward silence around the table as they start to eat. Niall tries to change that.
"Congratulations Zayn. I can finally say it in person. I'm happy for you. She's adorable."

"Thank you! I can't believe I'm a dad! She's amazing." Zayn beams.

Everyone says congratulations, even Louis to Zayn's surprise even if he doesn't look at him.
"Man, we're getting old! I can't believe that Zayn and Liam have children." Niall chuckles.

"I know. Wild." Liam smiles.

Neither Louis nor Harry says anything. They just stare at their plates and eat in silence. Harry takes care of the dishes after dinner and Louis returns to his room. Liam helps him and they work in silence for a while before Liam decides to bring up the subject no one is talking about. He leans against the kitchen counter and looks at his bandmate.
"Harry, what happened between you and Louis?" He asks softly.

Harry's whole body tenses and he doesn't speak at first but then he lets out a deep sigh. He rests his hands against the sink and his shoulders slump.
"We couldn't do it anymore. It was too hard having to hide our relationship all the time. We came to a breaking point where it was just a struggle you know? We didn't see an end to it and it broke us apart. It's been hard. I haven't seen him in months. I thought I was doing a little better but I don't think I am. I need to get out of here so I can get as far away from him as possible. I..." Harry breaks down crying and hangs his head.

Liam hugs him from behind.
"Oh, Harry. I'm so sorry."

17.35, Serious Organized Crime Agency

"God, I feel so bad for intruding on such a private moment." The tech guy says uncomfortably.

"Me too, and the rest of the world could see it too. This is messed up. Any luck in tracking the video link?" Chris asks.

"No. We're dealing with a skilled hacker." The tech guy says.

"Well, I have something new to investigate. We just found out that the fans have been right about Babygate all along." Chris states.

"Babygate?" The tech guys ask, looking clueless.

"Louis is supposed to be a dad as well and they didn't count him in when they were talking about parenthood. Conclusion: Louis isn't that boy's father." Chris says.

The tech guy's eyes grow wide and he makes an "o" with his mouth.

"Well, I'm off to talk to the boy's old management." Chris says and walks away.

18.21, Modest Management building

"Louis Tomlinson just breached his contract. We're suing his ass as soon as he's found." The CEO for Modest Management growls.

"Technically he hasn't done such a thing. They don't know they're being filmed and if I may say so Sir, no judge in this town will side with you in this matter. Can we get back to the point? Can you think of someone in your company who would want this to come out and would do the extreme to make it happen? Some old employee maybe?" Chris asks, trying his best to hide his dislike for the man in front of him.

"Absolutely not. My staff is very loyal and they all signed contracts as well so..." The CEO snorts.

"Of course they have. I still need a list of your employees and former ones for the last nine years." Chris answers, unable to hide how much he despises him.

19.10, Unknown location

"Okay, let's go over every inch of this place to see if there's a way out." Liam says and stands up.

"Yeah, go get those moping husbands to help out." Zayn answers.

They exchange a look all three of them.
"Fine, I'll go." Niall offers.

Liam and Zayn start to go through one of the walls in the meantime, knocking at it to see if they can break it but it's made of concrete.
"So how have you been?" Liam asks.

"Ehm, better. I'm clean." Zayn says with a smile.

"Yeah? Me too." Liam says and returns the smile.

"That's great! I still struggle with anxiety tho. It's easier now when I have a family but I can't perform live." Zayn admits with a shoulders shrug.

"They really did a number on us, didn't they?" Liam sighs while examining the wall.

"Yeah, but we had it easy compared to Lou and Haz. How is Louis? Still, using? I'm really sad that they broke up. I know he doesn't like me but I still care about him, about all of you." Zayn says and bites his lower lip.

"I think he's clean. Harry made him go to rehab two years ago. I'm also really sad that they're not together. The love we got to witness between those two was spectacular." Liam sighs.

"Yeah." Zayn agrees.

"I'm here to stare at a fucking wall, with him." Louis huffs and glares at Harry as they enter the room.

"It's not like I want your company either!" Harry grunts.

"Guys, I understand that this is hard on both of you but you used to be great friends as well, not just boyfriends. We're locked in here together for God knows how long. Can you at least be friendly with each other?" Liam pleads.

Harry and Louis look at each other and speak at the same time.

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