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Beacon Hills Highschool.

The school bell rang, signaling the end of the day's classes. Tina stood in the hallway, her tongue wrapped around a lollipop. No one had passed by the hallway while she was here, but by the next second doors opened at the same time flooding the hallway with teenagers. It became hard to avoid standing in front of someone's locker.

Tina skipped her last class. She loved the class it was history one of her favourite subject when she learned in her clan. But the teacher bothered her a lot. He was Asian like she was, and he looked at her with accusing eyes no one had used in her in decades. Her actual father used to see her with those same eyes. He knew when she had done something mischievous as pulled a prank on the servants or his guest. Even when there was no proof he always knew.

It had been a week since she enrolled in Beacon Hills highschool. She barely had a reasonable lead, but that was until this afternoon when she heard something in the girl's bathroom. She peaked through the door of her bathroom stall, which was wide open when she heard the growl. It was a girl. The girl thought no one was in here, so she had to blend in.

Looking at the reflection in the mirror, she knew she had seen the girl this morning at the parking lot or even the cafeteria. Tina remembered her. The girls by her locker gossiped about her on her first day in beacon hills. Stacy Anderson, high school junior and queen bee in her own way.

Stacy spent some time trying to tame the wolves inside her. Her growl was loud and haunting; it almost had her fox scared, but she was much older than she was. Tina slowed her heartbeat to near death, which was something she realized she could do with her Kitsune. She avoided making any sounds, knowing Stacy's wolf hearing would pick it up. She watched Stacy struggle with breathing and growling while she held on to the toilet sink. Stacy was either on her period or it was the full moon, Tina guess it was the former know the full moon won't come so soon.

Female wolves had it bad. They had wild urges to maim and kill twice a month, unlike the males. They also had more trouble with control. It surprised Tina that Stacy was in school today; she could have called in sick. Female wolves throughout history have always been mean, they were the real bitches.

Tina expected there would be supernaturals at the highschool maybe even hunters too so she didn't think revealing herself now would matter. Stacy picked up her bag at the sink, ready to go back to class. Tina caught a reflection of the tattoo on her wrists. It was small but she could still see it; two black circles, one inside the other. The symbol of Scott McCall.

Now she waited in the hallway for the Stacy to come out of her class. Stacy walked out of her class. Before she got halfway to Tina, the  Baker brother came up next to her. They were co - captain of the Lacrosse team. She did her homework in blending in. Tina considered the possibility of the boys being in Scott McCall's pack. The way they walked beside her, it was as though they were protecting her from the kids in the hallway or protecting the kids from her.

Tina concluded, wolf or not, the boys knew what she was and what she could do. She plugged in her earpiece, allowing the music to fill her eardrums and walked straight for them. She bumped into Stacy, fake tripping and falling down. Robby picked her up. Some students stopped to watch.

"I'm so sorry I get clumsy sometimes." She feigned scared, taking the earpiece out. 

"Just go,"  Robby said calmly and let her go.

She walked to the opposite side of the hallway, smiling as she twirled Stacy's wallet in her hands. It had been years since she picked a pocket, but it was good to know she hadn't gotten rusty. Tina found a dark spot at the end of the hallway and emptied the wallet on the floor. 

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