Chapter 28

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Today is another  day off from school its Friday and I am still in pain the swelling is still there and I'm taking the prescription the doctor prescribed me.

I did my packet for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and my brother is taking it to school and bringing my packet for today and Monday.

I  go back to school the following Monday this week is slowly coming to an end.

I talked to Alexa and she told me that the girls was suspended for two weeks and the other girl got sent to a boarding school by her parents.

I told her that she deserved it now she gon be in a next uniform and the rules at the boarding school is much strict than our school rules.

I ended up getting out of bed carefully and walked in my bathroom and I went straight into the shower after stripping out of  pajamas I scrubbed my body being careful because of my bruise stomach.

After lathering my body Inrinsed off then I turned the water off and carefully stepped out of the shower.

I  grabbed my towel wrapping it around my body and I went and washed my face and brushed my teeth.

After I did my hygiene I went in my room and grabbed my underwear and I slipped them on after drying off.

I went and slipped on some leggings and a shirt with a pair of socks grabbing my phone and going downstairs.

" Good morning baby girl is the swelling going down some more " said dad.

"  Good morning daddy and it went down a bit I still be in pain sometimes but it wasn't as worst as it Monday when the incident happened " I said.

" Ok baby girl I know that your in pain so I decided to let you sit out the rest of the school year so your Goddie decided the same thing for Alexa so yall aren't going to school until next year " said dad.

" So what about the assignments and the homework how will my gpa be based on if I sit out the rest of the semester " I said.

" That's why they switched yall to online classes so I will help you and you can use my laptop to do school online " said dad.

" Ok daddy and the packets I did went to school right because they should be graded " I said.

" Yes your mom carried them in already besides you will be ok doing online learning plus you have a schedule you will follow baby girl " said dad.

" Ok I can do that and besides I get to see Marie more since I'm not physically in school so that's so amazing daddy" I said.

Dad handed me my breakfast and a glass of apple juice he called my brothers down since they would be going to school.

And the school will also be sending packages of homework and assignments for me to do with Braden or mom will get them so I'm straight.

Plus I can take my exams on the computer when exam time comes around plus I don't have to see certain people from school.

"  So daddy that's more time to spend with you and I guess not to get on your bad side and not to get a whooping from you " I said.

" Yes but you have to do your chores and also keep your room clean but for now I'm taking it easy on you because your stomach is still swell after breakfast I will look at your stomach and I think she prescribed you with an ointment I need to get it " said dad.

" Ok daddy and my stomach is red because of the swelling every day I wake I'm reminded of what the girl did to me I haven't had any nightmares yet because of it" I said.

" Awe baby girl you will be heal in no time soon and it's ok baby you didn't know that they would do that to you and I was furious when your brother called me saying you were hurt" said dad.

"  Daddy look at my stomach it is bruised and it's emotional to me when I look in my full length mirror at my bruise stomach " I said

" Hey baby girl don't beat yourself up about it ok daddy is right here to hold you ok whether your stomach is bruised your still my beautiful baby girl " said dad as he came where I was and wrapped his arms around me.

I started to cry right there and then because of the pain caused and the memories of them pushing me around and how one of the girls pushed me down and kicked me in my stomach not once but six times.

" Baby girl its ok to cry I'm right here you can cry in my arms baby girl I will always be their for you baby girl " said dad.

" Daddy it hurts to know that people are jealous of me and what I have cant help that fact that God gave me the gift of being smart and beautiful as well as intellectual " I said as I continued crying.

My dad stepped in front of me and he wiped my eyes off and held me as I continued to cry.

He ended up lifting me up and carrying me to my bedroom placing me in my bed and covering me up I instantly fell asleep.


3 hours later

" Baby girl come get up I need  you to sit up so I can rub this ointment on your stomach where rhe swelling is " said dad.

So I slowly sit up amd dad raised my shirt up then he grabbed the ointment putting some on his hand and rubbing it on my stomach then he pulled my shirt down.

He then told me to come downstairs so I can get something to eat so I can take my medication for the pain

So I went downstairs going straight to the kitchen and sitting down at the island as dad placed a plate of food in front of me.

I started to eat and I drank my apple juice dad placed in front of me  after I was done dad removed my plate and glass from in front of me and washed it.

Me: So how are you liking online classes

Lexa💜💞💗: It's ok for now

Me: true I agree but I sort of cried in front of dad  like everytime I look at my stomach I'm reminded of the incident

Lexa💜💞💗:  girl dont cry it will be ok and that swelling will go down trust me it will

Me: Ok daddy said it's going to go down

Lexa💜💞💗:  Yeah and my Godfather is right it will don't stress yourself  about it sis

Me: Ok sis  I will not stress myself out

" Baby girl here is your pain med and a glass of apple juice " said dad as he handed me my pain med and apple juice.

I took the medication and gulped down the rest of the apple juice and I went to the tv room and turned on the tv.

The bratz  movie was on so I tuned into it watching the whole entire movie then another movie came on.

After that dad told me to come in the dining room so I slipped my phone in my pocket and I went in the dining room.

Dad had his computer set up and my assignments were opened up they gave dad my information to access my online classes and assignments.

So for like ten ministry or more we were doing my class assignments well I was dping it and he was  helping with it.

I was able to seven assignments and I got five one hundred on for and got like ninty eight on the other three.

The rest of the day I spent with Marie we watched like three movies then we ate dinner with the family and I took a bath and went to bed.


Doing some quick update so I can complete this book.

Two more chapters left in this book

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