forty one | tea with a death eater

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Harry decided not to disclose the contents of his dreams to Draco for fear of panicking him, but this also meant that he was unable to find a reasonable excuse not to visit Narcissa when the day after Christmas rolled around.

The day before had been heavenly, filled with good food and merriment, and the Weasleys had each showered Casper with love and been delighted with their own gifts - something told Harry that their meeting today would be a source of far less joy.

But he dutifully showered and got dressed, chose clothes for Casper (cute stretchy blue trousers with white stripes and his letter C jumper from Mrs. Weasley), and even ran a comb through his unruly hair.

"If it gets weird, we'll get out of there straight away, he'd made Draco promise before they left. "We'll do whatever it takes."

So now they were on a broom again, this time belonging to one of the older Weasleys so more appropriate in size, and heading back to the house in the forest.

"My Mother doesn't know we were here before," Draco warned Harry on the way. "Probably best it stays that way, I don't want any reason to make her angry. As far as we're concerned, this is just a nice family visit. Ok?"

"Fine, Harry nodded. He tightened his grip on Draco, more for comfort and warmth than for security.

"You alright back there, Cas?" he asked, craning his head slightly to check on the baby on his back.

Casper gurgled, happy to be paid attention.

"That's good then," Harry chuckled. "We're going to see Grandma Cissa. Are you going to be good?"

Another gurgle.

"That means 'no'," said Draco unhelpfully.

"Don't be an idiot, Dee." Harry squeezed his waist. "Of course our Cassy will be good. He's always good."

Both of them fervently hoped this was true.

They'd done everything they could to ensure he would be in a good mood and cause as few problems as possible: he'd been fed and burped and changed countless times, and they'd timed the flight with one of his naps, so hopefully he'd nod off any second now and be well-rested by the time they got down to the forest.

They could hope, at least.

Narcissa was waiting for them when they touched down in the woods outside the house, dressed all in black and worrying slightly at a hangnail. She stopped this the second she saw them, and became the image of composure, welcoming them with an almost warm smile.

"Draco, darling! ... And Harry! You're here!"

"Hi, Mother," said Draco awkwardly as they dismounted.

"Does this place look the same to you as the last time you were here? It's enchanting, isn't it?" Narcissa asked eagerly.

Draco smirked, thinking back to the last month he'd been there. "Much the same, yeah," he responded wryly. "Shall we go inside?"

"Of course," Narcissa nodded. "I've some tea already brewing on the stove, you're very punctual."

They followed her in, being sure to bring the stick inside, keeping it close and not leaving it; it would be useful if and when they needed to get away.

"How was your Christmas?" Draco's mother asked, busying herself making the teas.

Draco watched on in silent amazement. He'd barely seen his mother drink her tea herself, let alone make it. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth like he was, and was used to people doing everything for her. But alright, she knew how to make tea.

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