Episode 8 - Week 3 Nominations

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 Previously on... Big Brother! Sophie came into power and intended on backdooring Saf, however that plan was quickly derailed when Kalani won the power of veto, and Duck and Henrry began a smear campaign to ruin the Syndicates. Realizing his alliance was a sinking ship, Guy decided to abort and began planting seeds about a possible alliance with Kalani, Henrry, and Duck. In a blindside 8 - 6 vote, Violet was sent packing. At the head of household competition, Duck and Tris tied, and Duck narrowly grabbed the title of Head of Household. Watch as Duck begins to create a mega alliance of the strongest players in the house. Which BB alumni will haunt the house next, and who will Duck nominate for eviction? Find out tonight on big Brother!

The group all goes back inside and Duck quickly begins scheming.

Duck - I NEEDED THIS HOH IM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW! I can promise that this week will change the game.

Duck walks up to the HoH room and invites Henrry and Kalani in. He turns his security cam monitor on. "We can't be in here alone for too long," Duck says.

"I know this could change but right now who do you want to put up?" Kalani asks.

"Sophie and City," Duck responds. "We need to start assembling."

"Assembling what?" Kalani asks.

"A mega alliance," Duck responds. "With it we can wipe people out as we wish, but it serves a double purpose."

Duck - I want to create an alliance with the strongest players in this game. By doing that, I can basically take out whoever I want every single week, but also, I will get information on the best players in the game! With that information, I can take them down and make sure I send them packing later on in this game.

"We pretty much have our pick of the litter," Duck smiles. "Now that I'm HoH, I have the power to put this plan in motion. I don't even care about who I evict this week, I care about setting up for the long term."

"I think we should get Guy," Kalani suggests. "Guy realizes his alliance is crumbling, and he talked to me the other day. He knows something is going on, and it's better to have him with us than against us."

Kalani - I want Guy in this alliance. He's an amazing player, but also I don't fully trust Henrry and Duck. I know they'll evict me over each other in a heartbeat, so having somebody else on my side when this alliance inevitable crumbles is a necessity.

"You're close with Kameron, right?" Duck asks.

"Yes," Kalani responds.

"I want him with us," Duck says. "He won the very first HoH and like myself, he likes to stir the pot. He's also somebody we can easily pin everything on if we get caught."

"What about Sniffer?" Henrry asks.

"No," Duck says. "I don't trust him at all. He would sell us out for a half a penny. I want him out of this house sooner rather than later."

Duck - Sniffer has no business being in this house. All he does is walk around like a self entitled brat, without realizing that he's literally alone. He threatens to go after people with his alliance... bitch what alliance?

"What about Saf?" Henrry asks. "If we get him, we have access to Sonny and Gabs' votes."

"Yes let's get him but when Sonny and Gabs are evicted, he will follow them out the door," Duck says.

"So who is our core?" Kalani asks.

"Us three, Guy, Kameron," Duck starts. "Anybody else?"

"Tris, Elias, Tyler, and Paul are kind of the floaters of the house, what do we do about them?" Henrry asks.

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