Episode 12 - Week 4 Veto

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Previously on... Big Brother! After an explosive week in the Big Brother house, Paul was sent packing. Saf came into power and was introduced to the Vendetta Alliance. Saf finally opened up to Gabs about his, Sonny, and City's secret alliance, which sent Gabs crazy. Gabs swore to take City out of the game, and began rallying up an army to do so, not realizing that part of his newfound alliance, is in the very alliance he seeks to destroy. Gabs warned Saf that his nominations could mean losing him as an ally and friend, but Saf didn't waver and nominated two of Gabs' allies. How will Gabs react to this betrayal, and who will win the veto? Find out this week on Big Brother!

Tris - Saf and his alliance can go eat shit. They're a bunch of fakes.

"What did I do to her?" Saf laughs.

"You didn't do anything," City says.

Saf - Tris is acting way too crazy. Like seriously calm down.

Just then, the doorbell rings.

The door opens and Janelle Pierzina walks in.

"Hi!" Janelle yells. "I'm here to announce a twist!"

Saf - Oh god this could be awful.

"As you all know, I am the queen of vetoes," Janelle says. "I also love jewels and expensive things. So, this week you will not be competing for the golden power of veto."

Tris - Well shit.

"This week," Janelle starts. "You will compete for the DIAMOND power of veto!"

The group gasps.

"In case you don't know," Janelle starts. "If you win the Diamond veto, YOU get to choose the replacement nominee instead of the head of household!"

Saf - This changes everything and immediately I know I CANT let Gabs win that veto comp.

Not much gameplay happens over the rest of the day because everybody avoids each other.

Saf walks out of the DR. "It's time to pick players for the veto competition!"

The houseguests all gather in the living room.

Saf sticks his hand into the bucket and pulls out a chip.

"Houseguest's Choice."

Saf looks around the room. "City," he says.

Tris reaches into the bucket and pulls out a chip.


Tyler reaches into the bucket and pulls out a chip.


"I must now also choose a host," Saf says. "I choose Duck."

Gabs - Can they make it any easier that they are aligned? Like oh my god I swear Saf is literally trying to sabotage his alliance at this point.

The group all gathers in the backyard.

"This competition is called, Slingshot Veto! There will be six rounds. Each round, you will step up to the line and take your slingshot, then shoot the jewel into the sea of bowls. In each bowl a number is written. Whichever number bowl your jewel lands in will be how many points you have. The person with the least amount of points each round will be eliminated, but will grab a goodie bag from Janelle's luxury store first. They will open it and then get to decide to keep what they got, or trade it for somebody else's prize!"

Sonny steps up first and shoots his slingshot. It lands in a bowl worth 21 points.

City shoots her slingshot and it lands in a 17.

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