Episode 10 - Week 3 Eviction

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 Julie steps onto the stage. "One from two dominant alliances, and one that has flown under the radar. One of them will be evicted tonight, but who? Find out tonight on Big Brother!"

Previously on Big Brother! Duck came into power after successfully flipping the house and blindsiding Violet. With Dani's twist, Duck decided to keep his cards to himself, and pass the HoH to City. In a tough spot, City was forced to choose between alliances, and ultimately, she chose to fire at Guy and Henrry. At the veto competition, Sophie won the golden power of veto, and chose to stand with Guy and Henrry by using the veto to save Henrry! City was forced to nominate a replacement, and she went for the safe route, nominating Paul in Henrry's place. Tonight, one will be evicted, and a new head of household will be crowned. Find out who tonight on big brother!

The group gets up after the veto ceremony and Paul is visibly annoyed.

"Lets have a veto ceremony where a fight doesn't break out please," Henrry laughs.

Guy - I need votes right now, and Sniffer is a huge what if. I don't think he trusts me fully so it's time to take a risk.

"Sniffer can we talk please?" Guy asks.

"Sure..." Sniffer says caught off guard.

They walk into a room and close the door.

"I need to tell you something," Guy says. "But you have to promise you won't tell anybody."

"I promise," Sniffer says.

"I know who exposed the Saf backdoor plan," Guy says.

Guy - I need to tell Sniffer what is going to work for me. So I'll tell him part of the truth, but not all of it.

"Henrry and Duck have an alliance," Guy says. "They tried to get me in it and I agreed but I have no intention with following through."

"What?" Sniffer asks.

Sniffer - I KNEW IT! The fact that Guy is coming to me makes me trust him a little bit more.

"We need to stick together," Guy says. "They are going to pick us off eventually."

"So you want me to evict Paul?" Sniffer asks.

"Yes," Guy says. "If you keep me, I can get info out of Duck and Henrry and report it back to you."

Guy - If I stay, Sniffer is my number one target. I don't trust him for shit but I NEED his vote this week, after that he is a liability that knows too much and needs to be taken care of.

"Okay," Sniffer says. "Thanks for talking to me about this."

Sniffer and Guy leave the room and Sniffer pulls aside Tris, Tyler, and Elias.

"I think we need to cut Paul loose," Sniffer says. "Now that he's on the block I can't imagine he will stay quiet. He's going to try to tank our games so we need to get rid of him, he clearly sees that playing quiet didn't work so he's going to be playing loud from now on."

Paul gets up and walks up to City. "Really?" he asks.

"What?" City asks.

"You go from Henrry one of the biggest threats in the house... to me?" Paul laughs. "You are such a little bitch don't be a pussy and not follow through with your plan."

"Wha-" City stutters, "I'm no-"

"Shut the fuck up," Paul says. "Seriously fuck off."

"I had to nominate somebody, I didn't WANT to nominate you," City says.

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