Episode 9 - Week 3 Veto

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 Previously on... Big Brother! The house flipped, and voted to evict Violet. Blindsided, Sophie began to realize her alliance was far from loyal. Sophie, Sarah, and City created a closer alliance to protect themselves. When Duck came into power, he began putting together a mega alliance as a way to take down his targets, and also to take down the members of that same mega alliance later on down the road. When Dani arrived at the house, she brought with her a decision Duck had to make. Duck handed his HoH to City and forced her to make a decision between her original alliance, and her side alliance with Sonny and Saf. At the nomination ceremony, City did not adhere to anybody's expectations, and nominated original allies Henrry and Guy. How will this effect her game, and how will Duck fire back? Find out tonight on Big Brother!

The entire house is left in shock, besides Duck who stands up and walks away with a smile on his face.

Guy - I'm pissed. If City wants to go out next week, then she has opened the door wide up to do so.

Sophie gets up and pulls Sarah and Sniffer into a room. "Did you know about that?" Sophie asks.

"I had no idea," Sniffer says.

Sophie - City nominating Guy and Henrry really leads me to believe that she was the one who exposed our Saf backdoor plans. I knew something was up when she was acting weird about putting Sonny and Saf up.

City - I had to go with my gut, and my gut told me that Henrry and Guy are not to be trusted.

Henrry and Guy pull Duck aside.

"What the hell just happened...?" Guy asks.

"I have no idea," Duck says. "She wasn't supposed to do that..."

Duck - This was not the plan but I'm really not complaining. This tears their alliance apart like ripping a band aid off. I planned to slowly crack it over time but City just went for it! I have to make sure that Henrry and Guy stay this week though.

"We need that veto," Henrry says.

"Absolutely," Guy responds.

Sophie sits on the couch and buries her face in her hands. "What went wrong..?"

Sophie - If I win that veto, I have to save Henrry. City is stupid for making a move this early. I truly can't believe she just did that.

Dani and Duck walk into a room together. "That was unexpected but entertaining," Dani smiles.

"Yeah," Duck laughs. "But we need to pull one of them off. I need them for my game, but also lets let City get her hands even more dirty."

City walks out of the DR. "It's time to pick players for the veto competition," she says defeatedly.

Henrry - Picking players is going to be crucial, and if ANYBODY gets houseguests choice, it's going to be VERY awkward.

"As the head of household, I'll choose first," City says. She reaches her hand into the bucket and grabs a chip.


Henrry reaches his hand into the bucket and grabs a chip.

"Houseguests Choice."

Henrry - I really need to hammer in the fact that, yes Sophie I'm TOTALLY loyal to you! City is the enemy!

"Sophie," Henrry says.

Guy reaches into the bucket and pulls out a chip.


"I now need to chose a host for the veto competition," City says. "I choose Sonny."

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