Episode 11 - Week 4 Nominations

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Previously on Big Brother! Duck came into power, however when Dani came into the house he had to make a decision. He passed the HoH to City, who nominated her own alliance Henrry and Guy. Sophie secured the veto, saving Henrry from the chopping block, and Paul was nominated in his place. Guy's fate was sealed until Paul decided to open his mouth. Paul's alliance turned on him, and he was sent packing on an 8 to 5 vote. At the head of household competition, Saf took the power for herself. Who will Saf nominate for eviction? Find out tonight on Big Brother!

Saf jumps up and down and hugs Sonny and Gabs.

Saf - I win the head of household. Everybody looked scared as hell, and good. The only people who should feel safe right now are Gabs and Sonny. The power shifted bitches.

The group walks inside and Sophie, Guy, Henrry, Sarah, and Sniffer gather.

"This is horrible..." Sophie says.

Sophie - First we lose City as an ally, and now one of us has a very high chance of going home this week.

City meets up with Sonny and Saf.

"This is great!" City smiles.

"I know right I'm so happy," Saf smiles.

City - I thought for sure I'd be walking out that door after Paul, but with Saf winning HoH, my luck is definitely turning around.

"Who are you targeting this week?" Sonny asks.

"Sophie," Saf says. "She tried to backdoor me, so lets backdoor her."

"Have you noticed something?" Sonny asks. "All of the staff from KK, they're clearly all working together. Not a single staff member has been sent out the door yet."

Sonny - None of the staff members have been sent home yet. As long as one of Kalani, Guy, Sophie, Henrry, Kameron, or Tris goes this week I will be perfectly content.

"I want to talk with Duck," Saf says. "I really feel like he's running the game and he's been hinting that he wants to work with me. He might have some information we could use."

Saf invites Duck into his HoH room to talk.

"So what's going on in the house?" Saf asks.

"I need to trust you," Duck says. "And believe me, if you screw with me I can send you and your entire squad packing week after week. I'll go from you, to Sonny, to Gabs, to City. I had the power to send you guys home last week and I didn't."

"City had the power last week," Saf says.

"No she didn't," Duck laughs. "I gave that to her. Dani's twist was that I could give the HoH to who I wanted, so trust me if I wanted you gone I would have taken you out."

"Okay," Saf nods. "So what's your deal?"

"I'm running this game," Duck says. "I have Guy, Henrry, Kalani, and Kameron wrapped around my finger. We orchestrated the majority alliances destruction. I saved you from being backdoored. I'm the one who exposed the plan."

Saf - Finally things all come together. I truly do trust Duck. He has saved me more than once I'm finding out and I owe a lot to him and that alliance.

"We want to work with you," Duck says.

"I could kind of tell," Saf laughs. "Can you bring the rest of your alliance up here?"

Duck nods. He gets Kalani, Kameron, Guy, and Henrry and brings them up.

"So you want to create a new majority?" Saf asks.

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