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just a content warning, it gets a bit spicy, starting at Albus shivered and ending at Albus slides

Albus lay with his limbs stretched out and sheets array, basking in the afterglow, a letter from Abraxas in his hands. Whispering to no one, he begins to read aloud, "dear Albus, I hope you are well, I miss you greatly. I think I got too used to you, life seems so dull without your smile, or maybe it's just because I'm back home.

"Mother keeps talking about me getting married. I've already seen two people and I've only been back a week. I'm sorry that I have to tell you this but I want you to know. I don't know how long we can carry on. Mother expects me to marry and have kids as soon as I leave school. If I could stay with you forever, I would. But I think we both know that's highly unrealistic. I had a dream about you last night, it feels weird saying that when I just bore such bad news. I'm sorry. I hope everything is going well, how is your family? All my love, A"

Pushing himself up, he rests against the wooden headboard and stares into the wall in front of him. He couldn't help the fury that rose in him at the mention of Abraxas being with someone else. They both knew what they had wouldn't last, that it couldn't last, but Abraxas having to meet possible wives was something Albus wasn't prepared for. He wasn't prepared for the sinking feeling in his stomach or the burning jealousy that flamed when he thought of it.

Moving to his desk, grabbing some parchment and his golden quill, he began to write.

Dear Abraxas,

All is well here. Aberforth had a good second year and he's excited to be able to go to Hogwarts. Ariana is much bigger now, she isn't as tiny as I remember her, it's a shame she won't be able to go to Hogwarts. She's a danger to herself and others, it's for the best and she understands. Mum's been thinking about teaching her wandless magic. She's been doing some research and she thinks that Ariana might be able to control her magic.

I'm sorry about your mother, that really is a shame. We both knew this would happen eventually, still, it doesn't numb the pain. Thank you for telling me.

You had a dream about me? Only one? I'm insulted.

Write back soon, I miss you.

All my love, A.

He ties the letter to Percy's outstretched leg and his letter is off. Adam had also been writing to him, he rented out an owl from Eeylops Owl Emporium in Diagon Alley. It's a bit slow, but it gets the job done.

More letters came from Abraxas, talking about how much he missed the auburn-haired boy, the girls his mother made him see, he sent some soft socks which Albus presumed must have been of the highest quality and very expensive. He had mentioned seeing albus in his dreams and how pretty he looked on his knees, which had Albus feeling flustered for days.

Letters from Adam came too, at a slower rate than Abraxas, but they still came. He mentioned how big his sister had gotten and how she doesn't even ask him to read to her anymore. He mentioned his girlfriend, Katherine, and how Albus should meet her.

The odd letter came from Elphias, he was away in Germany, his family had a lot of gold.

For his birthday Adam got him a selection of muggle sweets, which he, Aberforth, and Ariana all indulged in. Abraxas sent him a knitted green jumper and twenty galleons, which Albus almost sent back until he read the letter that was enclosed, telling him that if she sent it back he would just send it to his mother, the jumper was green because Abraxas insisted that he looked best in Slytherin colours. Elphias had sent him a gold elephant, which according to the man in Germany was real gold.

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