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The past is behind us, love is in front and all around us. ~Terri Guillemets

Blue eyes stared at the picture on the wall, trying to decide whether or not he should showcase the picture in front of him. He cocked his head to the side, trying to take it in from a different person's point of view. 'Could this be offensive?' he wondered as he looked at it. He personally found nothing offensive about it, but he had also been told that his mentor had skewed his taste. He ran a hand through his hair as he continued to stare at the photograph in front of him.

"Is that a nude photograph?" the voice of his brother asked from behind him. He jumped a little at the question, wondering how the man could sneak up on him so easily. "Naruto, why is there a picture of a naked woman hanging in the living room?" the other man then asked, looking at his brother for the answer.

Naruto scratched the back of his head nervously, "It's art." He looked at his brother, who just shook his head. "What? It is," the blonde argued. He looked at his brother. The other man looked nothing like him; not only because of his red hair, but also the clothes he wore. Kurama owned a magazine and was usually dressed professionally: dress pants, a tie, a nice dress shirt, Naruto was sure that he had a matching blazer somewhere. Even when his brother was dressed casually he looked much more put together than Naruto.

Naruto didn't care as much about his appearance, he wouldn't say he dressed bad he just preferred comfort. He was a photographer and had a much more relaxed style. Most of the time he had a camera around his neck and was wearing some fitted jeans, a casual shirt, and his favorite orange jacket.

"It's porn," Kurama responded as he stared at the black and white photograph of a naked model. "You're becoming more like Jiraiya everyday," he then mumbled.

"I see nothing wrong with being like him," the blonde grinned. "He's a great photographer," Naruto pointed out. The man was well known and in Naruto's opinion it didn't matter that he was known for his more risqué photos.

"Of course you don't," he shook his head. "And we both know that's not what I meant," he added on the subject. "So is she another girlfriend, or just a model this time?" Kurama asked as he looked at the girl in the picture. Naruto was a serial dater. His relationships never lasted long, most of them being superficial rather than finding any real emotional connection.

"Just a model," Naruto replied. "I think I'm taking a break from dating models after the crazy chick," the blonde added as he started walking toward the rather large kitchen.

"What are you talking about, that pink haired bimbo was wonderful," Kurama grinned sarcastically. "What was her name? Sakura?" he asked. "What did you even see in her?" he asked, teasing his brother the entire way down the hall.

"She wasn't insane when I met her," Naruto argued, causing the red head to laugh. "So what is it that you wanted? You don't usually come around asking about my art unless you want something," the blonde said as he looked in the refrigerator for some food.

"I need a favor actually," Kurama told him casually. "I don't know if I'd even call it a favor because I'd be paying you for doing it."

"If you have a job for me just come out and say it," Naruto said as he turned to his brother. He'd never had his brother take so long just to ask him to do a job so he knew it must something he wouldn't like.

"Well, you know how I've been trying to feature the Uchihas in the business section of my magazine for as long as I can remember?" Kurama asked cautiously.

"No," Naruto said sternly, knowing where it was going. He hated the Uchiha brothers. He didn't have any sound reason to hate them, but he did. He'd never met the men but he knew about them, everyone knew about them. They were good at everything, they had everything, and it seemed like they didn't have to really work for it, everything was just handed to them on a silver platter. The two were born with a silver spoon in their mouths and when they were old enough they had a Fortune 500 company handed to them.

Photo Shoot (Revised) NaruSasuWhere stories live. Discover now