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"If I know what love is, it is because of you." -Herman Hesse

Itachi stood in a secluded alley, he was waiting for someone and he knew that he'd need to be away from the public eye. It wasn't that he cared about this person's reputation, he did it just incase it turned ugly. "Itachi, I hope you're not here to attempt to kill me," a voice said as the man he was waiting for walked into the alley. "I brought a friend with me, you know just incase," he added as he signaled toward the other man.

"I don't think that I'll need to resort to something so low," Itachi answered with a smirk. "I expected you to bring your little lackey, after all, you bring him everywhere. Don't you?" he said, his voice lacking any true emotions.

It frustrated Orochimaru how calm the man seemed. He noticed that there was a slight arrogance to his words. He looked at the folder in the other man's hand and started to wonder what could be in it. 'What does he have planned?' he asked himself. "What's your point?" he asked, trying to feign an air of boredom and a lack of interest.

"Well," Itachi started. "I'm sure that I'm not the only one that has noticed," he told him. "In fact, I'm sure that with the photos I've obtained many will start to think there is something more to this relationship," he said, pulling one of the photos out of the folder.

"We've done nothing to indicate that there is a relationship going on between us," Orochimaru said with full confidence. 'He's got nothing,' the man laughed to himself. He was sure there was no way that the man had incriminating photos of him and Kabuto.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that if I were you," Itachi said with a slight smirk. "After all, I'm sure all of those late nights in your office must have put the two of you into a compromising position at least once," he continued, still not showing the man the photo.

"I don't believe you," Orochimaru informed him. "No one is going to believe that the two of us have anything going on," he chuckled. "Really Itachi, now you're just getting desperate," he added.

"You mean like my brother and Naruto are just friends?" he asked. "I mean you got some interesting photos of them without them being in a relationship," he said looking the man directly in the eyes. "A picture is worth a thousand words, isn't that what they say?" he said, making the man slightly nervous. "Things can so easily be twisted," he said, once again looking at the picture.

"Let me see it then," the man said angrily. He wasn't going to believe him until he saw proof that Itachi had photos that made him look as if they had a relationship that wasn't simply platonic.

Itachi just shrugged as he handed Orochimaru the photo. The older man looked down to see a picture of him and Kabuto in his office. Kabuto was leaning over the man's shoulder, but that wasn't the reason it looked bad. It was the way they were looking at each other that could make it look as if it weren't just a professional relationship. Their faces were close, so close that it looked as if they might kiss. There was something about the look on each of the man's face that made it seem as if they were something more and it worried the older man. He knew that the press ran with a story just because Sasuke and Naruto were seen together, he didn't want to imagine what they'd be able to do with a picture like the one that was presented before him. "As I said, a picture is worth a thousand words," Itachi reminded him.

"What do you want?" Orochimaru asked. "I've already seen that your sales have gone up, there is no reason for you to want this picture to get out," he said, staring at the man angrily. "Usually you'd ignore my accusations," he pointed out. "Why is this time different?" he asked.

Photo Shoot (Revised) NaruSasuWhere stories live. Discover now