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All love that has not friendship for it's base is like a mansion built on quicksand ~ Ella Wheeler Wilcox

4 Years Later

It was the last time that Minato could run for mayor and everyone was gathered in the Namikaze's house, hoping that their gathering would turn into a celebration party. It was nerve wrecking for Minato; though it was likely that he would win, he always got nervous when the results were about to be announced. "I'm sure that you'll win," Itachi told Minato when walked into the kitchen.

"Thanks," Minato replied. "I hope you're right," he smiled.

"People in this city love you," Itachi reminded him. "Plus it's not like you have very good competition," he gave something that was between a smirk and a smile. "If what happened during your last election didn't make you lose, I don't think that you'll lose this one," he pointed out. Minato just smiled and nodded in response, feeling a little better.

Kurama walked over to them, wondering why it seemed like the two stopped talking when he came over. "What are you two talking about?" Kurama asked as he wrapped his arm around Itachi's shoulder.

"You," Itachi smirked, messing with the redhead. "Your father was just telling embarrassing stories about you," he continued before picking up his drink and taking a sip. He seemed so nonchalant about it that it made Kurama think that he was telling the truth. "I wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't shown me the pictures," he added.

"Dad please tell me that you didn't tell him about the streaking incident," he pleaded, his hand moving from Itachi's shoulder to run through his hair. "I told you that I was drunk, you didn't have to take pictures of it," he told him. "It was a dare and didn't mean to run into the wrong house afterwards. I mean it's bad enough that the old lady called the cops, you don't have to tell Itachi too," he said, clearly embarrassed by the thought of his father telling stories about him.

"Kurama he was messing with you," Minato told him calmly. "I didn't tell him embarrassing stories about you," he informed his son. "We were talking about the election," he said as he stood up from his seat at the kitchen counter. "Now if you excuse me, I'm going to mingle with my colleagues," he added before walking away.

Kurama's eyes had widened at that point, "Damn it." He looked at Itachi and said, "Forget I said that." Itachi chuckled, but didn't say anything. He knew that it was only a matter of time before Itachi saw those pictures now that he knew about the incident.

Meanwhile, in the living room, Naruto and Sasuke sat on couch. "You look so thrilled to be here," the blonde commented as he looked at his boyfriend.

Sasuke was just staring at the TV, uninterested at the party around him. "You know how I feel about people," he said, not amused with Naruto's sarcasm.

"We'll be out of here shortly after the results are announced," Naruto promised. "So can you at least pretend like you're having a good time?" he asked.

"Yeah, whatever," Sasuke mumbled, not happy about having to possibly talk to other people. Sasuke was saved though, as the TV interrupted all talking by announcing that the results were in.

The man droned on about the other elections going around the city, before finally announcing the results for mayor. "The winner for the Mayor of Konoha is Minato Namikaze," he announced. The room cheered and congratulated the blonde man.


"I'm exhausted," Kurama said as he sat down on Itachi's couch. They had just gotten back from the election party and both were just ready to relax. It was surprising how easily just talking to people could wear a person out.

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