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At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet. ~ Plato

Naruto walked into the large building of the Uchiha Corporations. The blonde liked surprising his boyfriend. He wasn't sure if he could truly call him that, they never actually made it official. They hadn't really talked about it in those terms. It was true that they went on several dates and made out many times, but that didn't necessarily automatically classify them as boyfriends. He figured that just because he didn't know what to classify them as didn't mean that he couldn't surprise him at lunch.

the elevator made it's way up to the top floor he got more nervous, hoping that it was a good idea and that he wouldn't be interrupting something important. It wasn't as if it were the first time he'd surprised the man so he wasn't sure why he was so worried. 'What if he's in a meeting? Maybe I should have thought this through more. Last time I surprised him he wasn't that busy, hopefully he won't be this time,' he thought trying to assure himself, but not doing a very good job at it.

When the elevator doors opened he walked out and headed toward Sasuke's office. "Sir I told you last time, you can't just walk in when ever you like," the receptionist huffed, frustrated by the man's actions, but Naruto just laughed it off.

"I know, but just like last time you're not going to stop me," he said confidently, continuing to walk down the hall as the receptionist continued to yelled at him.

Naruto was happy to see that Sasuke's door was open and that he was alone. He knocked on the door to Sasuke's office, gaining the other man's attention. "Naruto," he said surprised as he put down his pen. "What are you doing here?" he asked the blonde When he glanced at the clock he knew the man was probably there to force him to get out of the office for lunch.

"I'm stealing you away for lunch," he answered with a smile. "It's noon and yet you aren't taking a lunch break," he pointed out. "Stop being an workaholic and come on."

"I have a lot of work to do," he replied, despite knowing that Naruto wasn't going to take no for an answer. "I don't really have time to take a lunch break," he argued.

"Shut up and lets go," Naruto said, not buying the excuse. "You're the boss, so if you need to you can always force someone else do your work. I won't take no for an answer," he said. "You know how persistent I can be," he added with a playful glint in his eyes.

"Fine," he said, letting out a sigh. "But just this once," he stood up, knowing there was no point of fighting it. They both knew very well that he'd eventually agree and Naruto wouldn't leave until he did. He grabbed his jacket and made his way to the blonde.

"Right," Naruto chuckled. "You say that now but it'll happen again," he grinned, earning a glare from Sasuke. "Don't look at me like that, I gave you fair warning that I planned to change your workaholic ways. If you didn't believe me then that's on you."

"Shut up," he said as they started to walk down the hall. When they got to the reception area, Sasuke turned to the disgruntled receptionist, whom was staring angrily at the blonde. "If anyone asks where I am, tell him that I went out to lunch," he said as the blonde grabbed his hand, pulling him to the elevator. "Stop being so impatient," he told Naruto, though his voice was more amused than annoyed.

The receptionist watched the encounter, confused. It was difficult for anyone other than Sasuke's brother to get him out of the office for lunch. She tried not to read the tabloids about her bosses, but clearly they must have gotten something right if the man were able to pull the youngest Uchiha away from his work.


"So where are you taking me?" Sasuke asked, as they walked down the street. They were holding hands, fingers laced, as they walked to their destination. They got a few looks from people, but neither man cared.

Photo Shoot (Revised) NaruSasuWhere stories live. Discover now