Chapter Five

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September 1918
Noah/Ellijah POV

We have been following my father's scent and we have arrived in Chicago, Illinois, the stench of illness and death was high.

Guess it's cause of the Spanish Influenza that's been going around.

I know my father is a doctor here in Chicago that seemed to be his passion and where he was when I went to see him a few days ago.

I'm walking down the street alone so I can clear my head, when I see a woman trying to move with a son almost dead.

I go to the door and knock.

"Come in, sorry I can't exactly come to the door" A voice said behind it.

I open the door and walk threw the house to where the voice came from.

"Hello, are you okay" I ask the woman.

"Oh my, I thought you where someone else, and you should leave before you get sick" She told me.

"I won't get sick I assure you I'll be fine" I told her.

"Are you like the doctor" She asked.

"What do you mean" I asked nervously.

"Are you a vampire too" She asked.

"Not exactly. Can you tell me the name of the doctor" I ask.

"Carlisle Cullen, why" She said.

"Well, why don't you ring for him and tell him to save your son at any cost then he will live. And yourself if you want to" I told her.

"I don't want to but I'll do anything to save my son" She said.

"Okay I'll be going now" I said.

"May I ask why you're helping me and not, well drinkong my blood" She asked.

"Because I don't like human blood nor do I drink it I prefer animal blood, but I don't have to drink blood. I can eat almost everything" I told her.

"Like what can't you eat" She asked

"Dairy and gluten products" I told her.

"Hmm, okay" She said.

"I really must be going" I told her.

"You should come see my son please" She pleaded.

"Okay then I have to leave" I said.

I followed her to a room and found her son lying on a bed, she went and called my father then came back and layed on another bed seeing as she was weak from the illness.

"Who are you" The boy asked.

"I'm Noah, I saw your mother working weakly from the road out front" I told him.

"I'm Edward, and I'm waiting for the doctor" He said.

"Well I have to go I hope to see you soon" I said then raced out of there.

I stood in the shadows near the house waiting to catch a glimpse of my father.

I saw him knock and hear a weak voice he then went in and I knew if I stayed longer he would notice me.

So I speeded to the campsite.

October 1921
[Cause I have no clue of the actual month]

We are at a campsite in the woods when I hear someone running.

"Stay here" I told everyone and followed the footsteps.

His Daughter, Her Sister, His Imprint ✔️Where stories live. Discover now