Chapter Nineteen

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2 weeks later
Noah POV

I found her and now we are trying to come up with a plan.

When I arrived she told me she found who she was looking for and that Aro had him.

Seth is coming today and I couldn't be more excited.

Most of the plan was done there was just some blanks we needed to fulfill.

Like how are we going to get access, I suggested that we talk to Marcus and Caius about what Aro's been doing and they decide his punishment.

And get my kids back.

"So when is your imprint supposed to get here" Zavia asked me, looking at me with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

"Oh my, Zavia, when are you going to stop" I asked her, putting/tossing the papers I had and my hand in the table and throwing my head back.

Knock knock

"I'll get it" Zavia said getting up and walking to the door.

Let me tell you something about Zavia, she's a witch if you haven't noticed. I met her in Nazi Germany in 1945.

She has long ginger red hair that goes to the middle of her back. And vibrant green eyes, that pair perfect with her plump lips, pale fair skin, and straight nose.

"Noas, you should go to the door" Zavia said walking into the room she set up for our plan.

"Okay, let's go to the living room and lock this room for now" I said walking to the door of the room.

She nodded and when I got out of the room closed he door and locked it, while I went to see who was at the door.

When I opened the door, I didn't look up right away so I said, "Can I help you..."

"So you didn't miss me" A voice asked cutting me off, I looked and saw that it was Seth I ran and hugged him.

"I missed you and I'm sorry for not keeping my promise about not leaving" I said.

"It's okay" He said, holding the sides of my face in his hands, while my arms where still around his waist

I smiled at himself as he pulled into another hug.

Seth POV

When we broke apart, she brought me to what I think is the living room.

"Hey, Z" Noah said pulling me to one couch.

"Hey, Noas, is this him" She asked looking at me, she had a slight accent, one that I couldn't place.

"Yea, Seth this is Zavia. Zavia, Seth" Noah said, introducing us.

"Hi" I said, reaching out to shake her hand.

"Hello" She said, taking my outstretched hand with her own, shaking my hand.

I sat down on the couch, pulling Noah closer to me, Zavia smiled widely at the gesture.

"So where are you from, Zavia" I asked her.

"Please call me Z, and I came from Germany" She told me, that explains the accent.

"Ok, that's cool. When did you meet Noah" I ask her.

"Well aren't you curious one, but I met her in Nazi Germany in 1945" She said with a smile.

"1945" I asked confused.

"Yea, Noas found and gave me a spell that was only for witches to use on themselves, it pretty much turned us to vampires with out the need for blood and the sparkly, pale skin" She explained, I nodded.

We talked for a bit more til I looked down and saw that Noah had fallen asleep some time during Z and I talking.

"This is the most she's slept since she got here" Z said.

"What do you mean" I asked confused.

"She hasn't slept much looking for these 5" She said, I nodded and looked back down at her. "Can you pick her up so I can show you to the room she's been staying in?"

I nodded and pick up Noah, following Z to Noah's temporary room.

I set Noah on her bed, I went to move away and she stirred like she was going to wake, so I layed down next to her to help her sleep.

Next day

I woke to Noah's blue eyes looking at me, while drawing odd shapes on my torso.

"Morning" I said in a groggy voice.

She smiled, "Morning. You wasn't to see what we got so far?"

I nodded she got up and grabbed an outfit from her closet.

She leaves the room to what I think is a bathroom to change, while I get up and grab clothes from my bag and get dressed.

I'm sitting on her bed waiting for her to come and show to the place where her plans are.

She walks out of the bathroom dressed and ready for the day.

She beckons me to follow her, so I got up and grabbed her outstretched hand as she lead me threw the house.

We get to a door when she stops, she pushes it open and walks in, me following.

"Oh wow" I say looking around the room.


So how was Seth POV, let me know

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So how was Seth POV, let me know.
I've been suck on school so I haven't been able to right and I'm so tired rn due to lack of sleep just to finish this book for y'all, since I also have so many different ideas in my head for more books.
I'm still stuck on GM writing.
Next book is either another gang/mafia book or a Vampire Diaries fan fic.
Don't know yet
And this book will most definitely be finished tomorrow if I don't get it all done today

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