Chapter Fifteen

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Weeks later
Noah POV

There is going to be a fight tomorrow.

I'll be with my family fighting for a bit then I'll go to Bella and Edward when Seth takes over.

Bella is with Edward at the Cullen's house and I'm with Jake.

Next day

I'm now getting ready to go to the campsite where Seth and I will be in case something happens.

I went up the mountain and this is the second time I'm seeing Seth and I'm all giddy and I have no clue why.

Up by the campsite now.

I let Edward know that I'm here and stay hidden so no one knows I'm here.

Edward and Bella were talking and Edward said somethin and Jake was behind but what ever was said made Jake run and Bella followed.

Then Bella came back and was talking to Edward.

Seth attacked Riley when he came I was about to help when I was jumped by another vampire.

When Edward killed Victoria I came down with the vampire I killed put them together and started them on fire.

We went down to mountain.

A vampire attacked Leah and Jake stepped and and his bones where broken.

When they left, I told dad, "I'm going with them."

I followed the pack back the Black residence.

And waited for Carlisle to show up.

Later Bella came, Jake wanted to speak to her, so she went in.

"Sam, I'm gonna leave again. I'll be back in a couple months, I need time to myself" I told Sam. "Leah, don't be such a bitch while I'm gone that's an us thing not a you thing."

She nodded and hugged me then I left.

Months later

The curse wears off in 2 months and in go back in two weeks.

I ran into Jacob a few times.

Beat him up each time, it was quite fun.

I may have knocked some sense into him but he's going back later.

Me and Jake are like siblings.

I want my mate/imprint so bad that I'm crying every time I think about it.

I'm back in the US though and I'm currently in Maine.

2 weeks later

I've arrived back in Forks and I'm looking for my brother.

I saw him and ran to him.

"Nicky I missed you" I told him.

He chuckled and hugged me.

I ran to find Bella.

"Hey Bells what am I to wear" I ask.

"I have a dress for you Missy" Alice said.

Renee came in with Charlie following her.

They gave her a comb and Charlie said, "And something old besides you mother."

"Here is you dress" Alice said handing me a dress.

I went and took a shower and changed into the dress Alice gave me.

Bella walked down the aisle with Charlie and after her and Edward said their vows the reception started.

Seth was here so I went by them.

Again why am I so giddy when it comes to Seth.

When Iriana canne to meet Bella I was on edge.

Toast started.

Emmett started and said something about her not being able to sleep.

Then Jessica she sounded jealous of Bella.

Then Charlie said something about Edward being a good husband and being and having and know how to use a gun.

Then Alice said something about her getting over aversion of fashion.

I was told to go after Alice.

"Well for one I want to say that congrats to you, Bella. Another thing is Alice, Bella will never do that because I've been trying to do that since I met her in 2004. That's about it so again congrats" I said and got down.

Renee sung a song.

Esme thanked Renee and Charlie.

Edward made a pretty good toast, saying that with Bella he can finally begin, and prosed a toast her Bella.

The party started.

Alice and Jasper are good dancers.

After the reception Bella and Edward left to go somewhere.

2 weeks later

I have one month left til I can find my mat and I'm ecstatic.

I'm sitting on the beach at La Push, welcoming the visions.

"So this is where you disappear to" I heard behind me.

I turn around to see Seth.

I smile, "It's quiet I can welcome the future, why don't you come sit?"

He came and sat down next to me.

"What do you see" He asked me.

"I see, Jake with a little girl and Bella Edward not far behind. Everyone is happy" I said.

"What about me" He asked.

"Gimme your hand" I told him, holding my hand out to him.

He took it.

"Now understand, I'm not supposed to do this" I told him

He nodded, "I understand

"Daddy, mommy's being mean" A small girl said running to her father.

"What did she do" Seth asked.

"She said no candy" The small girl said.

"Daddy you home" A small boy ran to them.

"Is you mother being mean" Seth asked his son.

"No, she said no candy til after dinner" The child said.

"Are you trying to get you mother in trouble" Seth asked his daughter.

"Mommy said she has a surprise for you" The small girl said as she ran back into the house her brother and father following.

"That was so cool" Seth exclaimed to me.

"I know" I told him.


His Daughter, Her Sister, His Imprint ✔️Where stories live. Discover now