Chapter Twenty

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Noah POV

"Isn't that a bit dangerous" Seth said after Z and I told him the plan.

"I mean, yeah kinda, but Marcus wouldn't let any harm come to me" I told him.

"How do you know that" Seth said with a bit of broken tone.

I walked over to him, "Because I met Marcus and kinda stayed with him and he said he sees me as a daughter" I told him hold his head in my hands.

"Bit still, how do you know" He said, I wanted to cry cause how broken his tone was.

"I know, I know, I don't that but if I want to see my kids, I have to" I told him, as he put his head on my shoulder, holding my waist.

"Can you at least call someone to help you" He asked, muffled by my shoulder.

"Sure, I'll call my brother, and Jay. Anyone else" I asked his hunched figure.

"Jake, so can let them know your okay, but otherwise good" He said, muffled once again.

"How about we go get some food, and talk" I asked, he nodded into my shoulder and stood up.

'What are you making then" He asked.

"Always food with" I told him, grabbing his hand and bringing him to the kitchen.

"What can I say" He said with a smile.

Hours later

I'm sitting in my room reading, Seth and Z were talking in the living room, about what?

Who knows.

I called Nick, Jay, and Jake after I made lunch.

Nick and Jay agreed to come and Jake is happy that Seth and I are okay.

I'm just about to fall asleep when, the door opens yo revel Seth Satan dig on the otherside.

"Hey, sorry if I woke you" He said walking over to his side of the bed.

"It's okay, I wasn't completely asleep. C ome cuddle" I said reaching for him.

"Your like a koala you know that, but that's okay cause you my koala" He said,gettig next to me and putting his arms around me.

I cuddled further into him and fell asleep.

Seth POV

I heard Noah's breathing even out as she fell asleep.

"I love you, my little Koala" I said to her sleeping form.

I didn't know how to tell her when she was awake so I had to tell her even of she was sleeping.

When she was away, I missed her every day they let me stay in her room cause they understood the imprint bond, kinda.

"I love you too, wolfy" I heard Noah say.

I looked down and sure enough she was awake.

"Is that my new nickname, Wolfy" I ask her.

She nodded, "And I guess mine is Koala."

"You know it" I told her.

We stayed up and talked for awhile more, until we fell asleep.

Next day
Noah POV

I woke up to Seth looking deep in thought.

I watched him, then whispered, "I love you, Wolfy."

"I love you too, my little Koala" He said looking at me.

"I need to get up and get ready, today is the day I need to them, or I will go insane" I told him.

His Daughter, Her Sister, His Imprint ✔️Where stories live. Discover now