Chapter Seventeen

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Days later
Noah POV

Seth and I have mostly stayed at the beach.

"I want a house on the beach, be by the water" I told him.

"Yeah, what about me" Seth asked me.

"You can have what you want too" I told him.

He chukled and shook his head.

"You know how long I wait for this" I ask him.

"Longer than me" He replied jokingly.

"Hahaha, very funny" I said sarcastically.

I was a bit cold which was new, I don't think I have ever been cold.

"You cold" He asked obviously noticing that I shivered.

"Just a bit" I said making little bit sign with my pointer finger and thumb.

He pulled me into his lap, wrapping his arms around me.

"So how long are we staying here today" He asked, pulling closer than I already was.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Whenever you want."

"Okay let's go" He said standing up with me in his arms.

"I can walk you know" I told him.

"I know" He replied smugly.

"Can we cuddle more when we get back" I ask snuggling into him.

"Sure" He said walking back to the Cullens.

After we arrived at the Cullens, Seth brought me to my room.

We layed down, I soon fell asleep.

Seth POV
(😲😲😱😱 Finally 🤤🤤😲😲)

I watched Noah as she slept.

It's a bit weird to see a vampire sleep.

I pulled her closer than she was so there was no room between us and I couldn't believe I found my imprint.

When she showed me a little bit of my future, and I saw the children I was extremely happy.

When I found out Noah was my imprint, I wondered how that was possible, but Reneesme happen right, surely it could happen again right.

I wanted nothing more than her and I couldn't think of anyone better than Noah.

When I saw for the first time, I had developed a crush on her and I couldn't be happier that she's my imprint.

Knock knock

"Come in" I said making sure not tk wake Noah.

"Hey Seth" It was Nick. "I wanted to make sure she was good."

"Yeah I think she's just exhausted" I told him.

"Please don't hurt her, she's been threw a lot" He said looking at his sister, thinking. "When the witch cursed her, she wanted nothing more than to end her. The witch I mean."

I nodded and he said, "There are going to be things she sees that she won't want to tell you so don't push her. And if she goes off for a couple days, don't be to mad or force her to tell you where she was when she comes back. Trust me I know, when I first met her I tried to force her to tell me and got mad about her going off, but it never worked and I lost until about 50 years ago. I mean we talked and kept it civil, but he conversations we have now are far better than before."

I nodded again as he left and shut the door.

I fell asleep cuddling even further into Noah.

Noah POV

His Daughter, Her Sister, His Imprint ✔️Where stories live. Discover now