Trouble In Canada (Husband!Shawn)

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Prompt: "I'm your husband...It's my job"

Warnings: Angst 

I hope you all enjoy! Thank you for reading!! I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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Word Count: 4.6k | Angst


"I'll see you at the next session?"

You picked your head up from rummaging in your bag and smiled at Ethan, the cooking class instructor, "My husband should be back in town, but I'll see."

Ethan nodded his head steadily. He held your gaze for a few moments, but after a while of looking at each other, you diverted your gaze down towards the wooden table. Slowly, you saw his tapping fingers inch closer to your hand that rested on the table.

Quickly, you moved your hand, and placed your engagement and wedding ring back on your ring finger. You didn't like cooking with your rings on, in fear that they could fall down the drain, "Uh," you cleared your throat, "thanks for the lesson, see you later."

He lifted his head up from staring at your left hand with sad eyes, "See you next week, Mrs. Mendes." The last part was said with a hint of distaste that he didn't care to hide.

As fast as you could, you scurried out the door and saw your friend, Jessie, waiting for you outside. She saw your flustered expression and smirked, "Looks like the teacher has a crush on the student."

You rolled your eyes, "Married," You held up your left hand and showed off the rings that you proudly wore every day out of love to your husband. Jessie let out a small laugh as the two of you walked down the streets of Toronto.

Since Shawn had left for tour about three months ago, Jessie stepped up her best friend role by keeping you occupied whenever Shawn was away. Out of the three months he'd been touring, Shawn had been home for four days. It got lonely around the house with no one there, especially since this was the first time Shawn was away for a substantial amount of time since you had been married.

You missed rolling over in bed and reaching a hand out to lay on your husband's chest when you were both too lazy to get up. You missed playfully kicking his feet underneath the table during dinner, even when it was just you two in your apartment. And most importantly, you missed it when he would come back with coffees and bakery items from the coffee shop down the street from his gym early in the mornings.

To fill up the gaping holes of the time you normally spent with Shawn, Jessie suggested that the two of you take cooking lessons at a place in down town Toronto. You thought it was a wonderful idea, seeing as you couldn't even cook pasta correctly, and Shawn got a kick out of the idea of you being in a kitchen setting.

A little bell dinged over your head when you opened the door to a coffee shop that was a block down from where you and Jessie took your kitchen lessons. The two of you stood in line to order your drinks in silence. Once it was your turn to order, you asked for an iced latte, even though it was February and snow was on the ground. After Jessie ordered her decaf coffee, the two of you found a seat by the window.

"Ethan knows you're married, right?"

You nodded your head as you crossed your right leg over your left, "Called me Mrs. Mendes as I left today after he tried to make a move."

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