In Motion

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Request: Reader goes on first leg of tour with Shawn and mid-flight while he's asleep she gets motion sickness and he wakes up and realizes and she tries to brush it off as nothing even though she's sick and Shawn's having none of that and just being the best boyfriend ever

Warnings: Throwing up (bleh sljdf nothing graphic though! just like describing the ~feeling)

I hope you all enjoy! Thank you for reading!! I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Feel free to say hiii below or pop on over to my tumblr:

Word Count: 2.2K | Fluff


It was only five o'clock in the evening, but you were exhausted as you watched the sunset through the windows of Toronto's Pearson International Airport. Slumped down in the uncomfortable chairs in your terminal, you smiled when you saw Shawn and a few of his crew members walk back to you with coffees in hand.

You loved seeing him surrounded by his road crew. A different side of his personality shined through; for touring being so chaotic he always seemed so relaxed around the people he picked to bring on the road with him. You heard the tail end of their conversation, the lighting director cracking a joke that had the three of them in stitches.

With two cups in hand, Shawn slid into the chair next to you and passed you your tea, "One earl grey with a splash of milk."

You smiled as you wrapped your hands around the Starbucks cup. The warmth of the cup sent shivers down your spine as it simultaneously heated you up, "Thanks."

"So I know you've had the same lighting and fog sequences for Bad Reputation since your Illuminate tour," the lightning director spoke up, "But what if we..."

While listening to all the planning logistics was interesting, you tuned him out as you leaned your head on Shawn's shoulder. Out of habit, he raised his arm as he saw you begin to lower your head down from his peripheral vision, and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. He pressed a quick kiss to the top of your head as he continued to nod at his lightning director's new ideas for Bad Reputation.

About thirty minutes later, someone had come out to inform Shawn that his private jet was ready and that the plane flying his crew based in Toronto to Amsterdam would be taking off in an hour. You finished up your tea and plucked your backpack off the ground waiting for Shawn to guide you in the right direction.

He took your hand in his and followed the airport attendant to a private exit where you would walk onto the plane right on the runway. Everything about this experience was so eye opening, you had never taken a private plane before, so you were taking everything in while Shawn nonchalantly walked down the runway talking to Andrew about arrangements upon landing in the Netherlands.

One by one, you boarded the plane and followed Shawn to where he plopped down in one of the few seats, he saved the window seat for you. You shuffled your way in front of him and sat down. Andrew was next on the plane, followed by Brian, and someone else who was new to Shawn's team, but was deemed essential enough to fly on the private jet instead of the plane with the rest of his crew.

You had flown before, but never across an ocean to Europe, and from previous experiences on airplanes, you didn't do too well with the turbulence and the change of altitude. But you couldn't pass up the opportunity of seeing your boyfriend kick off his world tour in Europe. Shawn's eyes were full of hope, his voice full of nervousness, when he asked you to join him for the beginning of the tour one day over breakfast. And you couldn't say no to him.

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